Just How BIG Are The Age of Sigmar Models?

By Rob Baer | July 15th, 2015 | Categories: Age of Sigmar

age of sigmar box art

Looking to convert the new Age of Sigmar models, but have no idea just how big they are compared to 40k and Fantasy models? Check this out!

Now that the new Age of Sigmar models are out and wave 2 is on the way, gamers everywhere are converting these up to be all sorts of things from Space Marines to Chaos models.

Age of Sigmar Model Sizes

Via El Descanso Del Escriba

sigmar stormclad fantasy size

Age of Sigmar Compared to Fantasy Models

sigmar stormclad 40k size

Age of Sigmar Compared to 40k Models


So now what we know they are about the same size we’re used to, checkout the new multipart hotness for the new Liberators box set.

99120218004_StormCastEternalsLiberators10 99120218004_StormCastEternalsLiberators10

Jair Nunez made this sweet Blood Angel conversion with the Starter set mini. Imagine what we can do with these new multi- part liberators!

blood angel age of simar conversion sigmarine

The cross over conversion potential seems to be HUGE with the new Age of Sigmar Stormclad faction for both Warhammer 40k and Fantasy.  Plus thats only ONE of the two factions in the starter box, we’ll be seeing a ton more Chaos models in the near future as well that should be great for every more awesome kit bashes.

– Bring on the Chaos!

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