Keepers of Secrets Like You’ve Never Seen: LVO Army

lvo keepers of secrets walThese Keepers of Secrets are rocking conversions and paint schemes like you’ve never seen. Check out this army from 2020’s LVO.

The 2020 LVO brought players from all across the world to roll some dice under one roof. With the meta healthier than ever, we saw some incredible armies from the event. Now that it’s all over, we can show special attention to some of the most beautiful armies we’ve ever seen. Take a look at this contingent of Slaanesh in AoS.

lvo las vegas open 2020Las Vegas Open 2020

Keepers of Secrets Like You’ve Never Seen: LVO Army Showcase

This army comes to us from William Soenaili

lvo keepers of secrets 1This is a big baddie list with some fresh new models to the Chaos line in AoS. Bringing Slaanesh to the tabletop, this army came full of sweet conversions.

lvo keepers of secrets 2For starters, there’s a converted Chaos Lord on Karkadrak model with a Slaanesh Daemon under the chest of the beast. This looks like a player-made version of Syll’esske, which we know is one of the best Slaanesh units out there in AoS.

lvo keepers of secrets 3On foot, we’ve got a Lord keeping the peace with his smaller dudes in the frontlines.

lvo keepers of secrets 4Moving onto the Keepers of Secrets, the centerpiece to this army is a converted version of the Nagash model. This Keeper of Secrets looks to have ascended with some new gifts from the profane prince.

lvo keepers of secrets 5Using the Aethervoid Pendulum as a weapon, another Keeper of Secrets is ready to lay some reaping blows into the ranks of the enemy.

lvo keepers of secrets 6It wouldn’t be a complete Slaaneshi list without some chaff ready to torture (or get tortured… Slaanesh really doesn’t care). These models are old, but they are decked out in Slaaneshi iconography. Plus, with three Keepers of Secrets standing behind them, they’ve got a pretty good reason to fight as hard as they can.

And there you have it! Another sweet AoS army spotted on the tabletops of 2020’s Las Vegas Open!

What do you think about the Nagash model used as a base for a Keeper of Secrets conversion? Do you run three Keepers of Secrets in your list? 

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