Lumineth Realm-Lords Army Box: FIRST LOOK

warhammer gw store first lookThis is an exciting week for AoS players, so don’t miss the new Lumineth Realm-Lords first look featuring both the models and new box set.

The next installment of White Dwarf is here (Although a little late), plus the all-new Lumineth Real-Lords for AoS. Check out the new models and rules for 40k and AoS, including all that will be on pre-order for delivery on June 27th!

May White Dwarf

white dwarf 454

Lumineth Realm-lords Army Box

Lumineth Realm-lords The Army Set


Lumineth Realm-lords The Army


Lumineth light of sprue


Lumineth horse sprue


Lumineth spearmen sprue


Lumineth horse sprue 2


Lumineth horse sprue 3


Lumineth sheilds sprue


How many points do you think the box contains? Are you excited about the new faction? Or maybe you want to get your hands on that White Dwarf?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!