Lumineth Realm-Lords Army Box Prices & More CONFIRMED


These are the confirmed pre-order prices for the new Age of Sigmar Lumineth Realm-Lords Army Box, Black Library releases, and a long-delayed White Dwarf!

If you want to get an early look at what these next releases are going to cost, we’ve got the confirmed prices from multiple retailers on the Lumineth Realm-Lords Army box and more.

May White Dwarf $9

white dwarf 454This should’ve been out a while ago, but the May White Dwarf is finally dropping with rules on Harlequins, Lumineth Realm-Lords in Warcry, and more.

Lumineth Realm-lords Army Box $185

Lumineth Realm-lords The Army SetStrictly limited in quantity, the Lumineth Realm-lords Army Set contains nearly everything you need to bring a fledgling army to bear.

This week only has one release but its big! Looks like GW likes these limited box set releases as we saw them try this with the Sisters of Battle release as well. Hopefully, that also means we will see these models sold separately before too long (plus the rest of their army).

Lumineth Realm-lords The Army

A beautiful launch edition of the battletome contains the rules and lore you’ll need, while a variety of accessories and gaming aids are ideal for ensuring your battles run smoothly and in style.

This box is essentially a toe-dipper into the new faction as the Aelves have been completely overhauled.

Black Library

The Court of the Blind King (PB) $16

court of the blind kingThe War of Life affects all in Ghyran – even the underwater kingdoms of the Idoneth Deepkin. With battle raging, Prince Lurien seizes his chance to take the Jade Throne of Briomdar – but can he overcome his foes and his fellow Deepkin to claim his prize?

Mephiston: City of Light (PB) $16

city of lightDeep in Imperium Nihilus, Blood Angels Chief Librarian Mephiston and his comrades are drawn into battle with a cabal of Thousand Sons sorcerers – with worlds at stake and hidden truths threatening to overwhelm him, this is Mephiston’s darkest hour…

Horus Heresy: Titandeath (PB) $9.99

titandeathWar is unleashed on Beta-Garmon as the armies of the Emperor attempt to hold back the tide of Chaos in the last major clash before Horus reaches Terra itself – and the God-machines of the Adeptus Titanicus are on the front line.

With releases finally hitting the shelves once again and a new Lumineth Realm-Lords starter on the way, times are looking exciting once again!

Will you be grabbing up more than one Lumineth Starter Box? Who is your favorite 40k character to read about in Black Library books?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!