More Ossiarch Bonereapers Hidden In Plain Sight?

bone kings ossiarch bonereapers age of sigmar

The Bonereapers are the newest faction for Age of Sigmar- but we haven’t seen all of their models yet. Check out what may be hidden in plain sight.

If you haven’t already heard, Ossiarch Bonereapers AKA the “Bone Kings” are the next Death faction to come to AoS. They are fighting alongside Nagash and his hordes, but are a much more elite faction that the rest. That being said, Warhammer Community previewed a handful of their models but there still looks to be more models that may be hidden in plain sight…

Ossiarch Bonereapers Terrain Piece?

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You might have seen this piece of artwork earlier. It’s the gate of the Necropolis spotted out of the first “Tithe of Bones” video teaser. However, it looks like it could be an actual model…

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Looking at a snapshot from the most recent Tithe of Bones video, it looks like the Necropolis gate is also coming in plastic! We’re not sure if this will be their terrain piece of if this is just going to be a terrain kit that everyone will be able to throw on their table. Perhaps it’s just part of the studio preview created just for this release?

Either way, it looks pretty huge combined with the walls of bone connected to it.

Other Mystery Bits Spotted

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Looking at this frame from the video, there’s what looks like a piece of wood just above the model’s sword. We’re not sure if that’s just part of some background scenery to make the video look cooler or if that’s the tip of something like an endless spell.

Beyond that, there’s some kind of massively long spine/horn behind the rock in the vid. Out of the models we’ve seen, nothing quite matches up to that. As far as things go, that could be an inadvertent “teaser” to another model. Or just more background scenery.

Catapults Ready!

From the previews, it looks like the catapult may even be moveable from the up and down position as well.

bonereaper catapult

At the end of the teaser video, you can see the catapult on the left in the “down” position. Also, note that on the right of the model there is a skeleton hampster wheel, and on the left, there is a skeleton loader.

ossiarch bone reapers

The Warhammer Community image also shows the catapult in the up position as well. You can see the green rock counterweight in each image that ties them both together.  So far this kit is looking really cool!

What do you think about the models that were spotted in the background of the Ossiarch Bonereapers preview? Do you have any ideas of what the Necropolis gate’s rules might be? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!