Lumineth Realm-Lords Dawnriders & Sentinels Warscroll Rules

Lumineth rumor engineThe Lumineth Realm-Lords have two new rules Warscrolls and units that were spotted- the Vanari subfaction Dawnriders and Sentinels.

Emerging on Imgur, we’ve got two more Warscrolls for the Lumineth Realm-Lords. Taking a step deeper into the Vanari-class Aelves, here are the Warscrolls on the cavalry and archers.

Lumineth Realm-Lords Dawnriders & Sentinels Warscroll Rules

Vanari Dawnriders


vanari dawnriders warscrollFor the army’s only cavalry unit, they’re going to be super fast rolling up the board with a whopping 14″. With two wounds and a 4+ Save, they’ll be the on the same level as the Vanari Stoneguard.

As always you’ve got the banner option (which isn’t that good compared to other banner rules we’ve seen) as well as an extra weapon on your leader.

Deathly Furrows is an ability that gives everyone in the unit one of two options:  +1 attack if they target units with up to two wounds per model and no mount. OR +2 attacks against a target of models with only 1 wound and no mount. Against horde units like Skaven, Grots, and even Gnoblars, these will be a great shocktroop to help clear the chaff in the early game.

You’ll also want to always get the charge off (which should be easy with a move of 14″). Thanks to Lances of the Dawn, you’ll be +1 to Wound and -1 Rend. That’s a huge bonus.

On top of that, hits of a 6+ with the lance cause a mortal wound instead of normal damage and the unit is also a gaggle of Wizards. We saw these previews for the Vanari earlier on but now we can see it on their datasheet. They have a spell that the Aelves can cast any number of times which boosts their mortal wound chances to a 5+.

Vanari Auralan Sentinels

lumineth realmlords auralan sentinels 3


vanari auralan sentinels warscrollThe Vanari Auralan Sentinels are the only shooting unit we’ve seen in the army. With these guys carrying the ranged capability of an entire faction, they better be good right?

Starting with the Sergeant’s rule, The Scryhawk Lantern will let you pick an enemy unit up to 30″ away and out of sight, and now all of the sudden, your entire unit can shoot at them albeit, with the more inaccurate shooting profile. Still, 30″ in AoS is huge.

As always, they also cause mortal wounds on hits of 6+ and can be boosted to a 5+ with their faction-wide spell.

We should note something here. Up close, they’ll be shooting decently hitting things on a 3+ with a nice -1 Rend. However, almost doubling their range, they lose the rend and the bonus to hit. Although those buffs are nice, if somebody wanted to play a cagey Wizard/Archer list with Teclis and a bowline of Auralan Sentinels, it seems like it can be pretty potent. Especially given the fact that AT MINIMUM, you’ll be having nine arrows hitting you per squad that doesn’t need LOS and can cause mortal wounds.

With these units now on the table, are you getting a better idea of how to build your army? Will you be going all-in on one aspect of the faction like melee, magic, or shooting? 

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