New 2023 AoS General’s Handbook & Dawnbringers Pre-Orders Revealed

new-next-week-games-workshop-aos-dawnbringers-generals-handbook-2Don’t miss all the new 2023 AoS updates in the General’s Handbook and the first Dawnbringers book hitting pre-orders this Saturday, July 1st!

Games Workshop has revealed all the new releases hitting pre-orders this Saturday, July 1st, at 1 PM Eastern time here in the States!

New 2023 AoS General’s Handbook & Dawnbringers Pre-Orders Revealed

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The 2023 AoS General’s Handbook and the first Dawnbringers book, Harbingers, are coming to pre-orders; here are all the details straight from Warhammer Community.

Dawnbringers Book I  Harbingers

Dawnbringers Book I – Harbingers

Harbingers is the first chapter of the new Dawnbringers series, the prologue of an epic tale that tells of the Twin-Tailed Crusade as it marches out from Hammerhal. Beyond the walls of this great city, champions touched by destiny rally forces to bring down the intruders – or aid Sigmar’s expedition. 

Book I commences the narrative with sections detailing the genesis of the Twin-Tailed Crusade, and the four Harbingers who herald just some of the challenges it will face. It contains a new Path to Glory battlepack centred around recruiting Harbingers and establishing communication outposts, as well as rules for the four new Harbinger heroes and each of the Regiments of Renown that fight alongside them.

Essentially acting as the Arks of Omen for AoS, expect some sweet rules and some big story developments in this narrative series.

Dawnbringers Book I  Harbingers (Limited Edition)

Dawnbringers Book I – Harbingers (Limited Edition)

Celebrate the Twin-Tailed Crusade with a limited edition that features a soft-touch cover, gold foil blocking for the text, and gilt page edges. Each limited edition is numbered internally, and they are limited to just 500 copies, so you’ll want to act fast if you want to get yours.

If you are especially excited, try getting this slick limited edition.

General’s Handbook – Pitched Battles 2023-24

General’s Handbook – Pitched Battles 2023-24

Matched play in Warhammer Age of Sigmar is getting an update with the latest instalment of the General’s Handbook. This book, which is designed to last for a full year of matched play, contains a new battlepack focusing on the primal magic infusing the wild tundras of Andtor. Those with a suitable grasp of magic can take advantage of this wellspring of power, but they must beware wizard-hunters wielding powerful nullstone enhancements. The battlepack is filled with thematic new rules, including bespoke core battalions, grand strategies, battle tactics, and 12 new battleplans.

As the yearly update to AoS rules, this is a key piece to staying on top of the game, hopefully pushing the game in the correct direction!

Dawnbringers: Fyreslayers – Fjori’s Flamebearers

Dawnbringers Fyreslayers – Fjori’s Flamebearers

Fjori’s Flamebearers are a cohort of Fyreslayers led by the eponymous Fjori, a Grimhold Exile who fights for the honour of his lost kin. These mighty individuals are as inspiring as they are tragic, survivors from fallen magmaholds. He is accompanied by 10 Vulkite Berzerkers, as well as five Auric Hearthguard and five Hearthguard Berzerkers – who can be built as 10 of either, if you don’t want to run the Regiment of Renown in your Order armies. 

Nothing can stop an angry dwarf, and with this new bundle, you get one more character option to add to your lists!

Dawnbringers: Gloomspite Gitz – Braggit’s Bottle-snatchaz

Dawnbringers Gloomspite Gitz – Braggit’s Bottle-snatchaz

Grots may be weak on their own, but together they form a mighty horde who will stop at nothing to fulfil their deranged desires. The Rabble-Rowza Braggit summons squigs and grots alike to his cause with the help of his booming voice and enchanted squig skull. He leads the collective of crazed greenskins called the Gobbapalooza, a Squig Herd of 10 famished Cave Squigs and the two unfortunate Squig Herders who prod them into battle, plus 10 Squig Hoppers – who can be built as Boingrot Bounderz, if you don’t want to run the Regiment of Renown in your Destruction armies.

Gits really are a jolly bunch, and the new model here even sports the brand new Squig-bats!

Dawnbringers: Flesh-eater Courts – Jerrion’s Delegation

Dawnbringers Flesh-eater Courts – Jerrion’s Delegation

The Marrowscroll Herald Jerrion acts as an envoy for the vampiric powers that rule the Flesh-eater Courts, a horrifying carrion creature of wizened flesh and bloodied bone who appears as a noble envoy to those intoxicated by his cannibal madness. He leads 20 frenzied Crypt Ghouls, plus three Crypt Flayers and three Crypt Horrors – which can be built as six of either if you don’t want to run the Regiment of Renown in your Death armies.

Flesh-eater Courts have some wild lore, and some older models, so seeing a new one is exciting for fans.

Dawnbringers: Maggotkin of Nurgle – Phlugoth’s Shudderhood

Dawnbringers Maggotkin of Nurgle – Phlugoth’s Shudderhood

Unlike the rest of Nurgle’s devotees, Harbingers of Decay have no sense of humour whatsoever, and share their mirthless misery with foes and followers alike. Unfortunately for their foes, the grim demeanour of these sickening soothsayers is only matched by their rotten efficacy in battle. Phlugoth leads five Putrid Blightkings and two Pusgoyle Blightlords – one of which can instead be built as a Lord of Afflictions, if you don’t want to run the Regiment of Renown in your Chaos armies.

Featuring a fantastic model update to the Harbinger, this is sure to be a solid success for fans.

What do you think of all the new 2023 AoS General’s Handbook and the first Dawnbringers book, Harbingers hitting pre-orders this week?

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