GW Announces New Citadel Painting App

Citadel Paint

Games Workshop just announced there will be a new Citadel Paint app on the way next month. Come find out what you need to know about the new app.

The new Citadel Paint app is another tool to have in your hobby arsenal to help make painting your models a little easier. Let’s see what Games Workshop had to say about it.

The Citadel Paint System is an easy, straightforward method for painting awesome looking models, and this September it’s going to get even easier. There’s a new app on the way designed to help you paint like a pro, whether you’re just starting out or you’re a veteran looking for a handy pocket reference guide.

Citadel Paint header

We’ll have more details next week (once we’ve managed to translate the machine code our data-servitors have been outputting). In the meantime, here’s what we know so far: the Citadel Paint app will be free and almost as good as having Duncan in your pocket. Except it won’t need to be fed – so arguably even better!

This looks like it’s going to be a great app to have when you’re ready to sit down and put paint to plastic, and it’s going to be FREE! For such an expensive hobby it’s nice knowing something is coming out that we don’t have to pay for. They’ll be revealing more about the app next week, so make sure you check back in with us for the latest updates.

What do you think about the new painting app? Is this something you’ll use? Let us know in the comments below.

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