New Orruk Warband Revealed at NY Toy Fair 2020

orruk beastgraveA new Beastgrave Expansion is coming in the form of Morgok’s Krushas previewed by Games Workshop at NY Toy Fair 2020.

The New York Toy Fair is an annual event where game companies from all over gather under one spot to preview some of the releases that’ll be hitting stores around the holidays.  The 2020 Toy Fair is finally here!

toy fair 2020

As long-time lovers of New York, Toys and Fairs of all kinds, we thought we’d pop along to the New York Toy Fair, a major event for toy sellers across the world. We brought with us some very exciting new stuff. Over the past couple of years, we’ve returned to our roots with a ton of board games aimed at new fans, alongside reinventions of classic games for veterans – and we’ve got good news for fans of both. 

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Warhammer Underworlds: Morgok’s Krushas

With that nice little teaser video out of the way, let’s take another look at those sweet models!

Morgok's Krushas box


Morgok's Krushas modelsIf you love elite warbands, greenskins and playing aggressively, you’ll love gaming with these guys.

Some warbands in Underworlds rely on superior decisions and cards, but it looks like with these guys you’ll just want to fight! If you like to smash and go fist-first into opposition, these guys are probably for you.

Not to mention there will be rules for AoS too! So, if you play Orruks you may want to pick these up and test them in AoS too! Or maybe you just want to try to paint some of these guys.

Huge FFG Sale: Over 50% Off Star Wars, Board Games, & More!

What do you think of the new Warband? Have you played any Beastgrave from last year? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!

GW Announces New McFarlane Space Marine Action Figures

That’s right comic book fans, the legendary McFarlane toys is making a new line of Space Marine Action Figures for Games Workshop! Read More