New Rules For Khorne: AoS Preview SPOTTED

By Wesley Floyd | March 13th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Khorne, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Khorne is getting a break in AoS with a brand new Blades of Khorne Battletome. The whole faction is getting a much-needed update. Check out the changes!

Warhammer Community gave us a heads up on what’s coming inside the Blades of Khorne Battletome. With a burning hatred for Wizards, the Khornate Warbands will be slaughtering and maiming anyone unlucky enough to cross their path.

Blood Tithes

As you know, followers of Khorne please him the most as long as someone is dying. (friend or foe). You’ll still be receiving blood tithe points after each unit is wiped out in-game. However, some of the things you spend them on have been tweaked.

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In a pinch, you can spend a blood tithe point and swap it out for a command point.

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Spend eight blood tithe points for a once per game effect making all of your hits of a 6 explode into two hits. It’s Army-wide!

Khorne Daemons Allegiance Ability

khorne daemons

locus of fury

The bigger the Daemon, the bigger the aura. Plus, now you’ll be able to scrape up a few extra hits when you swing in melee combat (the best kind of combat) by rerolling hits rolls of 1.

Khorne Slaughterhosts


Slaughterhosts are Khornate sub-factions representing the most legendary armies sworn to the Blood God’s name. When building your army, you’ll have the option of adding a Slaughterhost keyword to every model in your force, rewarding you with an ability, command ability, command trait and artefact of power.

There are all kinds of different Slaughterhosts out there that you can play on the table. One, for example, is The Skullfiend Tribe.


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The Skullfiend Tribe relies on Khorgorath units to be the lynchpins of the army. Pop this command ability and have everything within 10″ of one reroll everything! That’s a powerful ability for just one command point.

mage eater

Reapers Vengeance Only

Another Slaughterhost we love is the Reapers of Vengeance. These guys hate wizards so much, they make the rest of Khorne’s followers look positively tolerant of magic users, dragging those who would cower behind dishonourable sorcery to perpetual torments in the realm of the Blood God. 

Unit Reworks Coming to the Battletome




First in line is Skarbrand! The world’s most angry Daemon. He’s getting a rework where you don’t even need to roll to hit with his axe Carnage anymore. There’s a chart on his warscroll card that you roll to meet a certain number. But in the end, you’ll be doing anywhere between 8-16 mortal wounds a swing. 



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Skulltaker is meaner than ever with decapitating strike dealing out three mortal wounds in addition to any normal damage. Just roll hot and get a few 6’s!

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If you’re taking Skulltaker, you’ll also want to grab a unit of Bloodletters as well. Especially if he’s your General. With his command ability, you’ll be able to pick up some failed wounds from friendly Bloodletters and re-roll!


skull crushers

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Skullcrushers are going to be able to do D3 mortal wounds a pop when they make a charge before they even get to fight. Make sure you get maximum effects from these guys and roll them up into big squads. You’ll be able to wipe enemy units out before you even draw your swords!

All in all, the Khornate hordes are going to be able to cream enemy units on the board by getting a plethora of mortal wound tricks across the army. Good luck to any Wizards that get too close. That’ll be a fate worse than death. What do you think about Skarbrand being able to do 16 mortal wounds? Will you run a Skullcrusher themed army and steamroll enemy ranks? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.