New Warhammer AoS Looncurse: Lineup & Pricing

By Tim Roberts | May 6th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar

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The Gobbos are at it again, and this time they are taking on the tree lords of the Sylvaneth. Come and get your first look at the new Looncurse box from GW.

This week is all about AoS as Games Workshop unveils their newest two army box set featuring Goblins vs Sylvaneth. Let’s take a look.

Looncurse: $160

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market!













The new Arch-Revenant Sprue














New Loonboss on Cave Squig


In Chamon, the land of Ayadah is in ruin. Blighted by the anarchic influence of the Gloomspite Gitz and transformed into a bleak, fungal mire, hope for this once verdant kingdom now lies in the hands of the Oakenbrow Sylvaneth. Will Arch-Revenant Druanti be able to drive back the squiggly hordes of Loonboss Zaggit?

Looncurse is a battlebox that puts you at the heart of an epic battle between the vengeful Sylvaneth and the madcap Gloomspite Gitz. Inside, you’ll find two forces of Citadel miniatures to battle with, rules for gaming with them, and lore that explores the ongoing battle between these factions in the Realm of Metal.

Inside the set, you’ll find:

A 40-page booklet packed with lore, art, and rules, including:
– Background looking at Ayadah and the forces battling for control of it
– A bestiary looking at the background of the units in the set
– A Showcase of beautifully painted Citadel Miniatures, perfect for inspiring your own work
– Warscrolls and pitched battle profiles for all the units and warscroll battalions in this set, including points, minimum and maximum unit sizes, and battlefield roles
– 3 narrative battleplans that let you relive the battle for Ayadah
– 2 warscroll battalions designed to reward you for using the models in this set with extra rules

37 Citadel Miniatures:

1 Arch-Revenant – a new Sylvaneth commander available first in this set
10 Sylvaneth Tree-Revenants
3 Sylvaneth Kurnoth Hunters
1 Gloomspite Gitz Loonboss on Giant Squig – a new model for a classic Moonclan unit available first in this set
10 Gloomspite Gitz Cave Squigs and 2 Squig Herders
5 Gloomspite Gitz Boingrot Bounderz
5 Gloomspite Gitz Squig Hoppers

A double-sided token sheet, perfect for keeping track of ongoing effects, command points and more.

Looncurse Box Set Value

looncurse value pricing breakdown age of sigmar

Gloomspite Gitz:

  • 1x Squig Herders $45
  • 1x 5-man Squig Hoppers $50 (Comes in a box of ten normally. Can be made into Hoppers or Bounders).
  • 1x Loonboss on Cave Squig $35 (The old model is $22.25 right now but we think the update will drive the cost up more). 

Total Cost: $130

Total points: 440


  • 1x Kurnoth Hunters $58
  • 1x 10 Tree Revenants $74 (Comes in kits of 5 for $37 normally).
  • 1x Arch Revenant $35 (This is a new model but we’re guessing he’s a bit bigger than the smaller Sylvaneth characters making him cost a bit more). 

Total Cost: $167

Total Points: 360 for the stuff that exists. We’ll throw another 100 for the new Arch Revenant model totaling 460.


Total Estimated Box Set Value (Gitz & Sylvaneth): $297

All in all, it looks like the Sylvaneth are making it out the best with the Box Set. By dropping the $160 on the box, they’re making their money back on Sylvaneth alone. The Gloomspite Gitz may be lacking in the value department, but the points are fairly close together. Either way, the Looncurse box is definitely a solid start to both armies, and if you buy two, well you have a solid foundation for both armies!

Whether you’re looking to battle out of the box with a friend, expanding an existing collection or starting a new one, this battlebox is perfect for you – but hurry! It’s only available while stocks last.

These new releases from Games Workshop look great this week and we can’t wait to see these units in action on the tabletop! Make sure you check back next week to see what’s new from Games Workshop.