Next Week’s New SM, Christmas Bundle Lineup & Pricing

gw money cash

New Space Marines and Christmas bundles are on the way next week as we take a look at what’s next for GW’s release lineup and their confirmed prices as well

GW hasn’t slowed down even after Orktobers’ previews.

Multiple retailers have already confirmed the price of what’s on the way to the shelves. Here’s a full look at everything on the way for pre-order this week at your local hobby store.

Thermic Plasma Nexus Scenery Bundle $210

thermic plasma nexus

Munitorum Munitions Hub Scenery Bundle $210

munitorum munitions hub

Derelict Factorum $100

Imperial Sector Terrain Kit $130

imperial sector terrain kit

We saw 40k get some crazy terrain love when Kill Team dropped. Well, it looks like even more terrain is coming and at an even larger scale. judging by the art and the size of the box, this will do your table some good as you can scatter all sorts of unique terrain across the board.

AoS Veil of hyran Terrain Kit $100

veil of ghyran

AoS Azyrite Townscape $55

AoS Desolated Township $130

desolated township

AoS terrain kits are definitely welcomed, especially the Vale of Ghyran. Those trees would make perfect Wyldwood models. These kits are definitely pricey. But it looks like you get a massive load of terrain. This is a great start for an at-home gaming table.

Citadel Air Paint Set $185

citadel air paint set

Citadel Base & Shade Paint Set $210

citdael base set

Citadel Layer Paint Set $245

citadel layer paint set

Ultimate Project Paint Set $290

ultimate project paint set

Use Citadel to bring your hobbying up to speed with everyone else. The ultimate kit gives you a painting space so you don’t have to worry about marking up anything on your table. You can also store all of your paints in holding trays. Last but not least, you get paint brushes, a painting hobby handle, and a modeling kit! Get those crisp details on your models in a set that you can pack up and take anywhere.

Hobby Water Pot $8

water pot

Citadel XL Paint Handle $12.50

citadel paint handle 1

Citadel Assembly Paint Handle $18

citadel armed paint handle

This painting handle might look a little weird, but you’ll be able to have an extra set of “hands” at your fingertips.

Space Marine Heroes $84

New Space Marines Coming in November


The holiday season is here and GW knows it! They’ve been bundling up all sorts of deals that will boost your hobby arsenal ten-fold. The prices are up there, but they’ll make fantastic gifts this season!

Which hobby kit caught your eye? Do you like the new paint handles they’re rolling out? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.