RUMORS: New 40k Inquisition Release Pricing & Lineup

female-inquisitor-sistersDon’t miss the rumored lineup and pricing for new Warhammer Underworlds, Black Library and the Inquisition for Warhammer 40k this November!

There is a massive chart of rumored GW releases that was spotted recently, and now, we’ve got a first look at the prices of the items ahead. Check out the pricing for the releases hitting store shelves on November 23rd. But remember these are still just RUMORS. Take everything with a pinch of salt.

Nov 23 Product Pricing Rumors: Imperial Characters & More

november 23 product pricing rumors

Coming from @wagamingdave, it looks like some sort of pricing has been revealed for what’s ahead. Just as much as the products themselves are rumors, so are the prices. However, going off of what some of the more recent GW releases have been, these price points may be surprisingly accurate.

snarlfang 3

For that week in November, it looks like some Imperial characters like Inquisitors and Assassins might be on the way (This might be the old MTO stuff of classic models). However, moving deeper into the Beastgrave expansion of WHU, Rippa’s Snarlfangs look to be making their debut. At $30, there’s nothing out of the ordinary expected for a Warband.

For the rest of the stuff, it looks to be minor accessories and Black Library books as usual. Keep a close eye on the third week of November. If we see these hit the shelves right then, the rest of the rumors may be accurate!

What do you think about this rumored release wave? Do the prices look accurate from past GW products? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!