GW Announces New Sisters & Slaanesh Rules: OCT White Dwarf

sisters of silence Top 5 New 40k Rules We'd Like to See in Future White Dwarfs

October’s White Dwarf is coming in hot with new Slaanesh and Sisters of Silence rules for Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40k! Here’s the latest.

Warhammer Community announced October’s White Dwarf and all the goodies inside that we can expect. While there’s a little something for Blackstone Fortress, AoS, and Beastgrave, the Sisters of Silence index was also announced!

october white dwarf

Slaaneshi Warscroll Battalions

slaanesh walThe Dark Prince of Chaos may be missing, but that hasn’t prevented the meteoric rise of one of Slaanesh’s foremost champions – Syll’Esske, the Vengeful Allegiance. Read all about the fell deeds of this inseparable Daemon Prince and Herald, then lead the decadent Syll’Esskan Host into battle with four bespoke warscroll battalions!

whc slaanesh battalionSyll’esske is getting the spotlight in the army of Slaanesh for AoS with new Battalions and a lore focus on all her deeds. With one of the coolest models in the Slaanesh line, players should definitely be pumped!

Sisters of Silence Index Announced

Sisters of Silence artThe Sisters of Silence are among the most secretive of orders, yet without them, the Imperium would be susceptible to the rise of rogue psykers and widespread daemonic possession. You can read all about the ancient origins of the Silent Sisterhood, the Great Tithe, and what it means to be an Untouchable. As if that wasn’t enough, there are also up-to-date datasheets and points values for the three varieties of Silent Sister squads, as well as their bespoke transport, the Null-Maiden Rhino.

whc sisters of silenceIt might not be a codex but it’s definitely a special surprise to be announced! Sisters used to be lumped in with other Imperial factions from back in the day. However, their books have since been split up. Looking into 8th edition, this is the first real wave of support we’ve seen them get.

These girls are getting updated with a points rework just before the Sisters of Battle in plastic drop. So with a points adjustment, will they be a competitive addon to our lists? Will they pair well with Sisters of Battle? Do you play Slaanesh in AoS? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!