Orruk Krump Mob: 2020 LVO Army Showcase

mawcrusher orruksOrruks showed up at the 2020 Las Vegas Open ready to bloody-up their yellow armor. Check out this head-spinning army of Iron Sunz!

The 2020 LVO brought players from all across the world to roll some dice under one roof. With the meta healthier than ever, we saw some incredible armies from the event. Now that it’s all over, we can show special attention to some of the most beautiful armies we’ve ever seen. Here’s some Ironsunz that can intimidate by looks alone.

lvo las vegas open 2020Las Vegas Open 2020

Orruk Krump Mob: 2020 LVO Army Showcase

This army comes to us from Paul Ting

krump1Stepping onto a barren landscape of dry bones, these Iron Sunz are swinging hard with a serious Waaagh! The display isn’t super crazy but the dead beast, as well as the matching bases, really do a lot for the overall look!

krump mob 2Leave it to the Orruks to take down something 10 times bigger than themselves. It’s surprising we don’t see any Bonesplitterz mobbed-up around the Dino body.

krump mob 3Jumping into the finer details of the army, every single yellow plate of armor has had some fine weathering. Every axe and mace has also been bloodied. Which, we should point out, looks great. Usually, we see so much blood that it’s a little over the top. Less is more and this is perfect!

krump mob 4Getting a better look at the detail strewn all throughout the army, these Gore-Gruntas acted as the tip of the spear for the initial charge. Check out the subtle paint chipping on the boar’s head plate.

krump mob 5This Weirdnob even had a dope little scenic shrine to work out of on the table. It looks like that’s where he normally posts up on the battlefield to harness some of that Waaagh! energy.

krump mob 6


krump mob 7And to top it off with an overwhelming amount of brute force, Gordrakk on his Markrusha led the mob to victory. Check out the shading on the scales right down to every last highlight stroke on his horns and teef! Outstanding work!

How many points of Ironsunz do you have? Did you paint them using a different paint scheme? 

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