7 New Realm Artifacts & Spells Lists: AoS 2.0

By Wesley Floyd | June 17th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Seven new lists of realm specific artifacts and spells have been spotted for your Age of Sigmar armies. Come see the latest from the Malign Sorcery box set that’s coming soon!

We’ve already gotten some previews this morning on realm-specific artifacts and Malign Sorcery. Now we will be diving into the realm-specific spells your wizards can all cast.

Now let’s dig a little bit deeper into what was spotted on imgur first.

Realm-Specific Artifacts

artifact of realm

It looks like instead of choosing from a list of relics to take that are specific to your army, you can choose from the artifacts specific to the realm you’re fighting in. There are 6 artifacts for each realm. These artifacts directly reflect the realm and add a degree of fluff to the game.

One very important thing to note: It looks like his booklet of artifacts of the realms will be coming in the Malign Sorcery package. Even if you don’t plan on using too much Malign Sorcery, you will still want to try and get your hands on the booklet.

Malign Sorcery & Points Cost

malign sorcery package

The Malign Sorcery spell minis are going to be easy-to-build and come in different colors depending on the spell. The bright side is that all of the spells are together. You won’t have to chase multiple box sets down to get the one you’ll actually use.

From the looks of it, this is the Chinese plastic we have seen for all the starter sets and ETB kits to date. While it great looks this material since it’s inception has failed to capture the level of detail that the multipart plastic kits manufactured in Nottingham do.

Moving on to the different realms, they will come packed with spells exclusive to that region.

Realm-Specific Spells

spells of the realms

Wizards are going to become a lot more potent in this edition. They will have access to ALL of the realms’ spells including the basic spells that all wizards come stock with. It’s important to remember that it will be more difficult to get some spells to actually go off.  Now that the unbinding range is 30″ and Some units are even +2 to their unbinding attempts, it will be a struggle.

Looking at Ghyran, the realm of growth and nature, the spells have a very elemental feel. This realm looks like the swiss-army knife of realms. The wizards will have access to healing with Realmblood, escaping with Mirrorpool, and mortal wounds with Briarstorm and Whipvines.

Realm of Hysh

hysh spells

Hysh, the realm of light and radiance, will have some fluffy spells to choose from. It wouldn’t be right to not have a spell that could shred the undead. Coincidently, this realm has a spell just for that.

  • Excorcism Beam: It has a casting value of 6. If you manage to cast it, you can do D3 mortal wounds to a unit within 12″.  Death and Daemon units will get popped with D6 mortal wounds instead.

Here is going to be a spell that you shouldn’t ever let your opponent successfully cast.

  • Banishment: pick an enemy unit within 12″ of the caster and set them up anywhere more than 9″ away friendly models and more than 24″ from the caster. Banishment actually says pick up an enemy unit and throw them into the corner of the map. Rest in peace all the less-mobile units of AoS.

GW is really pushing the fluffy atmosphere into the realms and its looking refreshing so far. What realm are you looking forward to the most? How many wizards are you bringing? What realm are you going to try to avoid? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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