RUMORS: New Chaos Warcry Skirmish Game Products & More

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Don’t miss the latest rumors and new products that are on the way for Games Workshop’s Warcry Chaos skirmish game for the tabletop!

GW has slowly been previewing the Warbands out of the box for a while. There are still a couple of Warbands to get shown off as well as how to play the game. Hopefully, we’ll be seeing more in the coming weeks. But before we jump into the latest rumors, let’s check out what we’ve seen from GW so far.

Warcry: A Chaos Skirmish Game

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The best way we know how to put this is that it will be something close to Kill Team in AoS. All of the Warbands have been brought in an area by some kind of force and are brawling things out in servitude of their own Chaos powers they serve.

In the game, you’ll follow the myriad tribes of Chaos – reavers and despoilers from every corner of the realms – as they make their dark pilgrimage to the Varanspire. Warcry explores a never-before-seen side of life (and death!) in the Age of Sigmar. Every model for this game is brand new, reflecting on the dizzying diversity of Chaos on a scale never attempted before and rooted in rich lore that realizes the servants of the Dark Gods as deep and varied cultures.  

Everchosen Warband

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The Everchosen are looking to fit the bill for their lore. They’re complete savages with deep roots in hunting and primal warfare. These models are incredibly unique too. We can’t see any bit of detail on the minis that look like they were “copy & pasted” from any other sculpts.

The Splintered Fang Warband




This being the latest Warband we’ve seen, the Splintered Fang looks to be more of an elite faction. We have a feeling that they’ll focus on making every hit count. While we haven’t seen any rules on these guys, we feel like they’ll have some kind of “poisoned weapon” rule that makes them especially deadly. As a balancing mechanic, that could be why there are only four models.

Latest Updates on Warcry: Battleplan Cards, Carrying  Case, & Terrain

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Coming from an Industry Insider, these items may be part of the opening wave of releases for Warcry:

  • Battleplan cards
  • Warcry carrying case

While we’re not sure exactly what the Battleplan Cards will entail, it seems like GW definitely wants players to be able to protect their models. We know that the figures inside the starter set are definitely unique. Plus, there aren’t exactly a plethora of foam cases out there that would fit them easily. Maybe GW will release everything in one solid wave. The starter set, Battleplan cards, and a carrying case for it all?


Coming from Vargist on Faeit 212, there’s been a picture of what looks to be everything in the starter set out on display in a slideshow seminar presumably at Warhammer Fest.

Going off the cosmetics of everything, it looks like the map may be just as deadly as the enemy faction. The walls look to be made out of spiked grating with spatterings of barbed sticks/Chaos iconography stuck in the ground. Maybe this game will have a knockback mechanic where you can impale them against the wall and do some damage.

The starter set looks to only be coming with the Everchosen, the Gargoyle-type flying bat creatures, and the Warband wearing the red Gladiator-type armor on the cover of the box. While the Splintered Fang might have been previewed, we may still be waiting a while for them. 

All in all, the Starter Box seems like it will have a ton of stuff for us to dive into. If the rumors about a carrying case are true, will you be picking up one for yourself? Which Warband out of the starter do you want to try first? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.