RUMORS: New Troggoths & Gloomspite Gitz Release Lineup

By Wesley Floyd | December 28th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Don’t miss the rumored release lineup for Gloomspite Gitz and what looks to be an image of a new Troggoth that may be on the way soon for AoS! 

Games Workshop has been previewing models left and right for these little green men over the past few days. There was a list of units that were rumored to come out and we have yet to see a few. Have we only scratched the surface release wise thus far? Take a look at what could still be on the horizon for new releases.

Accurate Rumors on Gloomspite Gitz

Spotted over on TGA Community, This rumor has proven itself to be fairly accurate. Check out what’s been previewed so far as well as what we can look for.

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New Squigs & Hoppers

gloomspite preview squigs

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It looks like Squig Hoppers are getting some weapon options. One being rusty knives and old mallets. The other being some kind of new Lances made of twisted wood. The Squig Riders with Lances also look to be WAY more heavily armored.


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Mangler/Mangler with Hero on Top

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We haven’t actually seen the new Squig Mangler models just yet. We are also still on the lookout for whatever hero may be riding one.

Fungoid & Sourbreath Troggoths

gloomspite gitz troll

Notice anything tall standing in the background? It’s definitely a Troggoth.

sourbreath troggoth

It looks like it could be an updated version of the old Sourbreath Troggoth in particular. See how both of the models have the same beer gut? Troggoths also just got their base sizes updated and stand on 60mm rounds now. It just so happens to be exactly what that Troggoth is standing on.


As for the Fungoid Troggoth, we haven’t seen anything on him. However, it makes us think back to the Troggoth found in Nightvault. He may not be the only one of his kind in AoS after all!

The Loonking

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The Loonking was one of the random names on the rumor that nobody had any clue about. However, after seeing him drop in a couple of previews, it really solidified the rumors we’ve been seeing. He’s going to be the head honcho for the Gloomspite Gitz as the Bad Moon spoke to him (twice now).


gloomspite preview fanatics

gloomspite gitz fanatics

Fanatics should be getting multiple kits with as many weapon options/dynamic models we’ve seen. Some have a spiked ball with a different handle, others have a smooth ball with a smaller counterweight ball on their back…Others even have some kind of Fungus on the end of a chain.

Fungoid Fanatics

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These guys go by “puffshroom-swinging Sporesplatta Fanatics”. They’ll be hurling Puffshrooms into the crowds of poor enemies. We have no idea what kind of damage it’ll do but our guess is it’ll be non-existent Rend and decent damage.

Fungoid Ruins

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The rumor originally called some ruins “Fungoid Ruins”. We’ve only ever seen a faction get one Terrain Piece so could it actually be talking about the Loonshrine that was already previewed? Or is there some other kind of Fungal Terrain set that may buff specifically the Shamans and Fungoid Troggoths?

All in all, the rumor has stayed solid even after all of these previews. It’s guessed most of the new units correctly and now, we are just waiting on more previews to drop to see about the others.

What do you think about the support that Grots are getting in AoS? Are you going to start this faction as part of your New Year celebration? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.