RUMORS: Slaves to Darkness Rework & Battletome

By Wesley Floyd | August 29th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Age of Sigmar may be updating even more factions after the rumored Grot-vember, and Beastmen. Check out the latest updates.

According to BoLS, the Slaves to Darkness would be getting a model rework and a Battletome. Let’s break down the evidence. But remember, these are still just rumors so take it all with a pinch of salt.

RUMORS: Slaves to Darkness Rework & Battletome


Rumor has it that Slaves to Darkness will be getting multiple model reworks to get rid of the “rank and file” look from Fantasy. We should be seeing more dynamic poses and details on models in the future. But what will they look like?

From BoLS:

The rumors say that Slaves to Darkness is getting their own Battletome on the far side of Beasts of Chaos and the Moonclan Gobbos. Note the Darkoath Queen is a member of Slaves To Darkness sub-faction.


The Darkoath Queen came out in the Malign Portents era of AoS. She was released along with three other characters and rumor has it that the new Slaves to Darkness models will be based on her look. They will also come along with a Battletome but who knows what that will have in store. There’s no word on the details that could possibly be inside.

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Don’t forget we’ve also got the Darkoath Chieftan (from Silver Tower) model already.

Using the Evidence

malign portents


Looking at the Malign Portents release from a while back, we saw four characters that represented all kinds of different factions. But have you noticed that two out of the four received an Army-wide overhaul recently?

Nighthaunt and Stormcast Eternals got new models, new rules, and new units altogether. Looking at the Fungoid Cave-Shaman, we could be seeing the start of the army overhaul now.

LLV on TGA Community wrote:

But Grots (note im saying ‘Grots’ because at this point based on what I’ve been told on the range im not even sure theyre ‘moonclan’ anymore) are happening very soon and I wouldnt be suprised to see them this weekend at Warhammer Fest Europe or at the latest Nova panel next weekend

fungoid troll

We also saw Warhammer Community preview the new Troll model that should be coming to Warhammer Underworlds (An AoS-type skirmish game).

GW could be rounding all the Grots together more or less and creating a “new” faction but who knows. Regardless, that’s three out of the four characters from Malign Portents who’ve gotten/are getting support.

If Slaves get support, we aren’t exactly sure when we’ll see it. It looks like GW’s schedule might be tightly packed from all that’s happening in 40k. Maybe Warhammer Community will shed some light on this later in the week.

Until then, keep an eye out for more Beasts and Fungoid creatures for AoS!

What do you think about the rumors? Do you think we will see a Slaves to Darkness Rework before year’s end? Will they be the first faction to be overhauled next year? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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