Save $$$ New Games Workshop Start Collecting Values

By Wesley Floyd | October 3rd, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Age of Sigmar is getting two new Start Collecting boxes to make way for the Cities of Sigmar faction. Check out the value inside each box.

Warhammer Community announced that there are two new Start Collecting boxes coming alongside the Cities of Sigmar. Anvilgard and Greywater Fastness are the next boxes to get people geared the right way for the newly collective faction.

Keep in mind that both of these Start Collectings have already been confirmed at $100. We’ll be going over the contents inside and comparing the value!

Start Collecting: Anvilgard: $100

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market or Dicehead Games


Inside you’ll find:

  • Scourgerunner Chariot $45
  • Black Ark Corsairs $30
  • Kharibdyss $65
  • Fleetmaster $25

Total MSRP $165

Total Savings: $65

All in all, you’re saving $65 getting the Chariot and Fleetmaster basically for free.

Start Collecting Greywater Fastness: $100

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market or Dicehead Games

greywater fastness

As for the Greywater Fastness Start Collecting, you’re also getting 13 minis:

  • Gyrobomber $50
  • Ironbreakers $50
  • Warden King $25
  • Cogsmith $25

Total MSRP: $150

Total Savings: $50

In this box, you’re getting slightly less of a deal compared to Anvilgard. However, you are still essentially getting the Leader options or a whole squad for free.

All in all, neither of these boxes bring anything new to the table as they’re older models that have been repacked into one box. That being said, these are coming with a whole host of rules and opportunities for your Cities of Sigmar options.

With these two Start Collectings on the way, which one will you be grabbing? Do you think we will see Start Collectings for the other Cities later on? Which City has your favorite rules set?

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