Slave To Darkness Models Are ETB Snap Fit! AoS Unbox & Build

Slave To Darkness Models Are ETB Snap Fit! AoS Unbox & BuildThe new Slaves To Darkness is here! Come and take a look at the latest AoS Start Collecting Box from Games Workshop with a curious twist!

These new minis are not the Chaos Warriors of old! Come and take a look at the newest Start Collecting set for Slaves to Darkness.  We are going to crack open the latest offering from Games Workshop and see if this new ETB set is worth your hard-earned holiday hobby dollars.

Check out the latest on the new Slaves To Darkness Vanguard Box that was released in 2022 by clicking here.

Slaves To Darkness Start Collecting: $95

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market or Dicehead Games!

Slave To Darkness Unboxing

This set contains:
– 1x Chaos Lord on Karkadrak, with a choice of helmeted and unhelmeted heads.
– 5x Chaos Knights, with the option to build a Doom Knight with a Cursed Flail and Chaos Runeshield,
– 10x Warriors of Chaos, including an Aspiring Champion and featuring a choice of helmeted and unhelmeted heads – including a mix of male and female faces.

This set is supplied with 10x 32mm Hex Hole Round base, 5x 75mm Hex Hole Oval Bases, and 1x 90mm Hex Hole Oval base.

Slave To Darkness Unboxing

The first thing you will notice with this new Start Collecting box is that all the new minis within are ETB push-fit. This new box is the first of its kind and leads us to believe that these miniatures will perhaps lend themselves to a two-player army starter set or similar offering in the future. That or potentially GW is going to start creating more ETB start collecting boxes moving forward.

Slave To Darkness Unboxing

Rob runs through the new assembly guide for this new kit and helps point out any trouble spots that you might run into when getting your army together.  You might want to consider keeping some Tamiya Extra Thin Cement or some Vallejo Plastic Putty handy when putting these miniatures together. To help bond some of those computer slices in things like capes, or split shoulder pads.

Slave To Darkness UnboxingThe quality of these new miniatures is amazing. The old Slaves to Darkness miniatures don’t even compare as far as detail and dynamic posing. These new miniatures show just how far GW has come in the last decade as far as miniature design and detail are concerned.

And here they are! These new minis look great and are a true gift from the Chaos Gods! To see what it took for us to get these ETB minis ready to go, press play on the video below!

Slaves To Darkness Start Collecting: $95

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market or Dicehead Games!

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