Stormcasts Can Actually Die? New GW Rumor Engine

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A new rumor engine is here and it’s without a doubt for Age of Sigmar. Check out the details and tell us if you spotted something that we didn’t!

Like clockwork, Warhammer Community dropped another rumor engine. Usually, it’s a coin flip of a guess if the bit is coming to AoS or 40k. However, this bit is without a doubt meant for Sigmar.

Stormcast Has it Rough: New GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 8-13-19

So looking at the bit, you can easily see that this is a Stormcast Eternal’s helmet. You might think this is some kind of statue that crumbled to bits at first. However, it looks like someone is wearing this dude as a trophy. The helmet took a massive blow that would have taken the Stormcast’s eye if nothing else. But beyond that, if you look near the top of the pic, you can see what looks to be a strap holding the helmet. As for the background, this looks like somebody’s robe.

If you know the lore, Stormcast Eternals were great leaders and fighters in their past life that Sigmar beamed up into the Azyr to be forged into lightning warriors. When they die, they get shot back up to his forge and undergo the process again. overtime, they lose their human qualities and become these emotionless husks meant for destruction that can’t reason. Where are we going with this? Normally, when a Stormcast dies, they get beamed up. However, whoever is wearing this might be carrying a weapon that gets around that and kills them off for good.

Who do you think could be toting this Stormcast’s head around? Would it make sense for it to be some kind fo Necromancer? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!