Skaven Stormvermin Are The Best of The Best

By Kamal van de Pol | February 11th, 2021 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Lore

Skaven ShadespireStormvermin are some of the most hardcore scariest Skaven warriors to ever grace the realms of Sigmar, check it out!

Today we’re going to take a look at some of the meanest rats to ever grace the fantasy realms. Let’s be honest, when a giant rat comes charging at you, it’s time to run. Even though most warriors don’t maybe they should! Get your biggest rat friends and let’s learn about some Stormvermin lore!

In the world

One of the more demoralizing and dreadful sights any army that runs into the Skaventide can meet are the mighty Stormvermin of the Verminus Clans. A full head taller, way more muscular and with thicker necks than their Clanrat kin. They are very easily spotted on the battlefield. Any somewhat competent soldier will prioritise such a hulking beast of dark fur, hulking armour and dominating presence. The Verminus Clans already focus fully on the art of war in the name of the Great Horned Rat. They often harass the Mortal Realms with an endless tide of blades and shields, killing and eating any who is unlucky enough to meet their hordes. So to be the elite of such mobs says a lot about the Stormvermin’s status among the Skaven.

Being the top rats of their clans, they have the privilege to access the finest and most brutal wargear one can take from the armouries. Wielding large, rusty halberds and clad in armour plating, chainmail, metal helmets and robes all over their body. One cannot be blind to their high status in Skaven society. Domestically they are tasked with important tasks. These include defending the armouries, food stores, the breeding pens and defending the mighty Clawlords that lead the Verminus Clans. Without them, Skavendom would surely fall to more anarchy than usual. The other Skaven Clans will gladly make use of Stormvermin from Verminus for that exact reason, and of course their battle prowess.

On the battlefields surrounded by their many, many kin, the Stormvermin act as bodyguards and shock troops. Breaking the enemy lines with their sheer size and ferocity. Paving the way so that their kin can rush in and massacre the enemy. Their regiments of rusted steel halberds will cut down any opposition when in numbers. One rat can’t do much, but forty can!

On the field

skaven verminlord hor walOn the Tabletop of the Mortal Realms, Stormvermin are a Battleline unit for Clan Verminus armies. Along with Clanrats, they serve to fill up your Battleline slots with hordes of furry Ratmen. Drown your foe in them while your warlords and support units buff them up and weaken the opponent. Nobody can survive being overwhelmed by dozens of hungry and violent rats. Take them in 10, 20, 30, or even 40 models per unit to have a never-ending Skaventide, movement trays might be helpful. They’re generally braver and hit better than your average Clanrat. However, they come at a hefty price, being 100 points for 10 while 20 Clanrats cost 120 points.

Due to their regimented nature, they only have one weapon option: Their trusty, Rusty Halberd. With a lower wound roll needed than a Clanrat and -1 Rend, they pack a punch against the weaker line troops of your enemy. They can also equip Clanshields. Deflecting enemy blows and adding 1 to their save rolls should they be with 10 or more Stormvermin.

They are led by their ferocious Fangleader, his brutal experience gives him rank over his brethren. He must set the example in combat, he does so by having his Rusty Halberd do one more attack than the others. A chosen rat can hold up their morale as their Standard Bearer, giving his brethren the opportunity to still charge after retreating. A unit can also contain a Pack Drummer, pounding his drum for the Great Horned Rat and adding 2 to the unit’s run roll.

Any Clan Verminus lord will be stupid not to take his Stormvermin to the field, their battle prowess will make the feasting even better!

Learn More About Stormvermin Here!