Straight Outta AoS: Painted Merwyrm Showcase

By Barclay Montgomery | November 22nd, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Den of Imagination


The Merwyrm is a hideous leviathan from the deep, come to life with the brilliant paint work of Den of Imagination! Check this beast out! 

But, what is a Merwyrm? According To Games Workshop it’s:

A nightmarish breed of monster of the deep oceans which is able to crawl upon land to wreak havoc in its wake, the Merwyrm is primordial kin to dragon-kind and carries within it the killing cold of the depths where light never reaches. This chill force it can exhale in deadly blasts to enfeeble and slay its warm-blooded prey, before devouring them with its hideous fang-filled jaws. Relatively ungainly and sluggish on land, its powerful tail can also be used as a powerful weapon to snap bones and crush anything that dares to get close.

Check them out over on their site today: Den of Imagination