Surprise FAQs Hit For Age of Sigmar Battletomes

stormcast on dracoth sigmar vandus wal hor

Age of Sigmar got another surprise FAQ wave bringing Daughters of Khaine, Orruks, Cities of Sigmar, and the General’s Handbook up-to-date.

On Warhammer Community’s FAQ page, you can find the latest updates for these four avenues of Age of Sigmar. There’s a lot of ground to cover with varying changes from faction to faction so be sure you check out all the fine details for yourself. 

Daughters of Khaine Updates

daughters of khaine

daughters of khaine faq

No major changes were made across the faction at-large. Rather, just a few tweaks to Morathi basically stating that she’s still stupidly tanky.

 Orruks, & Cities of Sigmar Changes

ironjaw brute wal


orruk faq october

Being that the Orruk Warclans just had their Battletome released, this is the first wave of tweaks, With that said, all the changes are in black ink. With these changes covered, is your list any better or worse?

generals handbook faq

While we’re on the topic of Orruks, in the General’s Handbook FAQ section, Bloodtoofs and Ironsunz Pitched Battle profiles were taken out.

empire free peoples cities of sigmar wal hor


cities of sigmar october faq

Cities of Sigmar got hit with their first wave of updates as well. While not all of the changes are covered above, they even saw that the Dreadlord on Black Dragon’s Damage table needed to be tweaked. Make sure you’re aware of that before your next game!

Grand Alliance: Destruction Updates


destruction FAQ october

Orruks were tweaked here with the removal of Ironjawz, Bonesplitterz, Moonclan/Spiderfang Grots, Gargants, and Troggoths Destruction Warscrolls being moved to their respective Battletomes.

Stormcast Eternals Updates

nurgle vs stormcast sigmar wal hor

For the Stormcast, a few units with the Lightning Arc rules were fiddled with, Check out which units were updated for yourself. Essentially, the Lightning Arc procs when all of your attacks are resolved against a unit within 3″. Plus, you can only pick the unit after the first time they’ve fought in a phase.

Like we said before, be sure to check out the latest batch of updates if any of the factions pertain to you. Your lists might have just gotten better or worse and you definitely want to find out what changed before your next big game. What do you think about these updates?

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