AoS The Season of War Has Ended

By Zeb Barrett | August 19th, 2016 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Campaigns, Warhammer 40k Rumors


The Seasons of War have come to a close and the Age of Sigmar global campaign has ended leaving one alliance victorious over the mortal realms!

The Order Grand Alliance sent Chaos, Death, and Destruction home to lick their wounds in this Season of War but I have a feeling this victory will be short lived. While the Order revel in their victory, drinking and celebrating, the other forces of the mortal realms are regrouping and waiting for the right moment to declare war once again!

Source: Warhammer Age of Sigmar (facebook)

Thanks so much for taking part, everyone.
We had a blast, and we hope you enjoyed the campaign too.

season of war age of sigmar global campaign

season of war age of sigmar global campaign

season of war age of sigmar global campaign

season of war age of sigmar global campaign

This victory of the forces of Order has been entered into the history of the Age of Sigmar.
What this means for the future of the Mortal Realms will be revealed in time.

It looks like the Order alliance has claimed this victory but who knows what surprises future campaigns will hold. Make sure you keep up to date with all the latest Age of Sigmar news!