Top 16 Best Selling Forge World AoS Miniatures

By James Rodriguez | May 7th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Forge World

Skaarac Bloodborn Great Khorgorath

Looking for something cool to hobby on while we wait for Generals Handbook 2018? Check out Forge World’s Top 16 best selling miniatures for Age of Sigmar’s mortal realms. 

Forge World has some of the best looking minis on the tabletop, and resin always holds more detail than plastic.

What miniatures do you think made this list?

Mourngul £37


Dreadful tales are told around huddled fires of those lost in the killing cold of a mountain winter, driven by famine and pain to hunt their own companions and former friends for their meat and the warmth of their blood. There is no salvation for these damned souls, for the horrors in which they indulge cannot save them and they become things neither dead nor alive, condemned to an eternity of empty hunger and terrible isolation.

Spite, desperation and malice force these thrice-damned creatures to linger beyond death, the most insidious and destructive winds of magic coiling about them to warp and twist their cadavers into inhuman proportions. Soon they become something neither ghost nor revenant – a Mourngul; a monstrous razor-thin shadow of cold flesh and cracked bone with a gaping maw of needle-teeth and a cavernous stomach that hangs open like a dreadful wound.

The Mourngul is a finely detailed multi-part resin model. Redolent with sinister menace, this creature stands 5.5″ (140 mm) tall and makes a fantastic centrepiece for any Warhammer army. This product includes one citadel 60mm round base.

Dread Saurian £150


Dread Saurian Of all the reptillian nightmares that inhabit the jungle-shrouded continent of Lustria, Dread Saurians are one of the most feared; an echo of ancient days when huge beasts such as they did battle with the forefathers of dragons for supremacy. Immense creatures, larger than the towering Carnosaur, Dread Saurians are few in number and sacred to the Lizardmen, and the fury of each that prowls the fetid jungles is moderated only by the arcane power of the ceremonial armour that bedecks them. Without this precaution, even the power of the Slann could not hold them in check.

When the winds of magic rise and a great storm draws close, the Slann Mage-priests will stir and chant the ancient rituals of binding, shackling the captive Dread Saurians to their will, while their legendary might is coveted by the sorcerers and wizards of younger races. Let loose upon the battlefield these reptilian monstrosities wreck terrible havoc upon the foe with both their fang-lined jaws and the divine blessing of the Old Ones.

The Dread Saurian is a complete resin kit.

Carmine Dragon £64


Creatures saturated with the arcane power of Shyish, Carmine Dragons are vastly potent beasts, their raking claws able to shred the most armoured foe while their fangs ripple with the energy of the Amethyst winds of death. Unlike many of dragon-kind that are able to exhale gouts of flame or poisonous vapours, a Carmine Dragon can unleash deadly blasts of coruscating energy from its open maw that are capable of ripping the souls clean from any creatures they strike and blast Daemons and the Undead into nothingness.

This is a complete resin kit that stands 8″” (203mm) tall and has a 5″” (125mm) wingspan. This product includes one citadel 100mm round base.

Colossal Squig £64


Colossal Squigs are enormous, improbable and quite insane. These fungoid beasts possess insatiable appetites and boundless energy which, coupled with their mountainous size, means they can unleash untold havoc in battle! Their impossibly large, fleshy mouths can messily devour swathes of foes in an instant, while their rush to eat usually means anything that escapes their grisly jaws is squashed flat by the beast as it careens headlong towards its next meal.

This is a multi-part resin model. Scenic base and additional plastic components shown in painted version for illustration purposes only. This product includes one citadel 120mm oval base.

Squig Gobba £49


The Squig Gobba is a fearsome sight amongst the Orc & Goblin hordes. Dragged and prodded onto the battlefield by its malevolent Goblin tenders, it is a huge beast with an oversized gaping maw, a set of extremely powerful lungs and a ravenous appetite to rival even that of a Troll! With the Squig Gobba heavily chained into position to prevent it bounding off after the first tasty morsel it spies, its tenders start dragging lesser squigs from the cages surrounding them as battle is joined, slicking these vicious beasts with foul-tasting noxious liquids. This not only renders the creatures senseless for a short time, but also prevents the Squig Gobba from immediately swallowing them as the stunned squigs are unceremoniously stuffed into its jaws!

Soon the Squig Gobba’s mouth will be full to bursting point, with thick globs of frothing acidic saliva dribbling constantly forth. Then it is only a matter of time before one of two things happen: either the Squig Gobba will vomit forth its mouthful of now monumentally furious lesser kin, causing chaos and panic on a grand (and thoroughly disgusting) scale amongst the enemy army’s ranks; or the great beast itself will explode in a blazing fireball, as the Goblin ‘concoctions’ that the squigs were coated in react spectacularly with the Squig Gobba’s stomach juices.

The Squig Gobba is a multi-part resin kit. This improbable war ‘machine’ is packed with detail, from the terrified squig being lifted into the maw of the Squig Gobba, and the variously panicked and angry munitions being spat into the air, to the cruel and sneaky Goblin tenders themselves.

This product includes one citadel 120mm oval base.

Rogue Idol £69


When greenskins gather for war, their Shamans build mighty idols of Gorkamorka. Some are formed from the rubble of the Orruks’ recent conquests, mortared with noxious Squiggoth dung. Others are built using strange stone quarried in the deep places of the realms, or even incorporate volatile shards of realmstone or shadeglass within their lumpen forms. Daubed with crude sigils, lit by roaring bonfires, the idols sit silent and menacing as the Shamans dance around them and the tribes bellow their war chants. The idols soak up ever more Waaagh! energy until at last the innate magicks of the greenskins react spontaneously with those of the realms themselves.

This multi-part resin kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Rogue Idol. An enormous amalgamation of chunks of rock and densely packed soil, it’s covered in details – from the immense bunched fists to the eerily lifelike, hollow eyes (which can be covered with the optional mask), it’ll prove your devotion to the Waaagh! in fine style. The various surface of the model are covered in glyphs and carven symbols declaring praise to Gorkamorka, and the Idol provides some fantastic opportunity for the advanced modeller to go wild – add your own moss and extra rocks!

The Rogue Idol comes as 8 components, and is supplied with a 170x105mm oval base.

Bull Centaur Renders £64


Bull Centaur Renders are hulking and monstrous creatures who rage with a great hunger for flesh. The first of their kind were survivors of the Time of Chaos. Warped by the tides of horror that engulfed the realms, more than any other they were twisted into the semblance of Hashut, the terrible Father of Darkness.

A set of incredibly detailed full resin models that comprises three Bull Centaurs armed with hand weapons and shields.

This product includes three citadel 90mm oval bases.

Skaarac the Bloodborn, Great Khorgorath of Khorne £145


A creature of endless hate and unstoppable savagery, Skaarac the Bloodborn is a beast of venerated legend among the devoted of Khorne. He is said by some to be a fallen Daemon, others claim he is no more than a mindless beast of prodigious power while some claim he is a rogue experiment of the terrible arts of the Zharr, and others yet name him as the oldest and most powerful of the Khorgoraths; a murderous plaything mutilated into being by Khorne’s own hand. Regardless, Skaarac has rampaged across the battlefields of the mortal realms for uncounted ages, and countless lives have been ended by his savagery, and yet it is not enough.

Skaarac the Bloodborn, Great Khorgorath of Khorne is a fantastically detailed model. In combat he slashes apart his enemies with the brutal blades embedded into his arms and tramples their broken bodies beneath his hooves. Those who would flee beyond his reach, he can destroy by vomiting forth a torrent of unhallowed blood as hot as molten iron.

Skaarac the Bloodborn’s warscroll is available to download to use him in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. This model would also make an exceptionally brutal Bloodthirster or other Daemon of Khorne in games of Warhammer 40,000.

This is a complete, multi-part resin kits. It includes a 160mm round base.

Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord £135

Tamurkhan Maggot Lord

In ancient days the great horde of Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord swept out of the Northern wastes despoiling all before it. Great Slaughter they brought to many lands as Tamurkhan sought the Throne of Chaos. Riding to war atop his great Toad Dragon Bubebolos, Tamurkhan dealt ruin and death to all that stood in his way.

Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord, favoured by Nurgle with powers of regeneration, rains blows down onto his foes from high on the back of Bubebolos with the Black Cleaver, a potent magical battleaxe. Buebolos the Toad Dragon is content to stomp and smash its prey, or to lash at them with its prehensile tongue and tear at them with its fearsome jaws. Tamurkhan’s true form is that of a bloated, maggot-like parasite which, in its death throes, can attempt to posses the great hero that slew him.

This is a complete, multi-part resin model. It includes four nurglings that can be added to the model wherever you wish.

Troggoth Hag £64


A monstrously colossal river troggoth, the Troggoth Hag is both rapaciously hungry and all but impossible to kill. As well as being far more clever and dangerous than her kin, she is possessed not only of malign cunning but innate arcane power drawn from the foetid rivers and swamps in which she dwells. The Troggoth Hag can pulverise her victims with her Deadwood Staff or spray great gouts of corrosive vomit over them, condemning them to a horrific and agonising death.

The Troggoth Hag is a multi-part resin model. This product includes a 120mm oval base.

Night Goblin Command Set £35


Prevalent throughout the Old World, the Night Goblins of the Worlds Edge Mountains have developed into a sun-hating sub-species of the greenskin race. Considered particularly vicious and cruel for their kind, they are infamous for their cultivation of dangerously hallucinogenic fungus and their skill at rearing the bizarre and improbable Cave Squigs. Individually cowardly, when Night Goblins gather in massed ranks they are renowned for their maliciousness, and it is the Night Goblin Warbosses and Big Bosses that most epitomise this bullying spite, having risen to their position through treachery and backstabbing.

The most powerful of these warlords sometimes ride to battle on Great Cave Squigs, hand-reared at the cost of many dozens of Night Goblin handlers. The natural ferocity and toughness of these obnoxious beasts is also often augmented by crude armour plating, bolted and nailed to the Squig’s thick hide. In battle it is common for one of a Warboss’s underlings to be given a tattered, filthy and terribly ostentatious battle standard.

Night Goblin Shamans are sinister and crazed individuals, due to their consumption of huge quantities of the powerfully hallucinogenic fungus for which the Night Goblins are renowned.

The Night Goblin Command Set contains three multi-part resin models: a Night Goblin Warboss on Great Cave Squig, a Night Goblin Boss carrying a Battle Standard, and a Night Goblin Shaman. This product includes two citadel 25mm round bases and one citadel 32mm round base.

Drazhoath the Ashen £75


Lord of the Black Fortress, Master of the Legion of Azgorh, potent warrior and mighty Sorcerer-Prophet of Hashut, Drazhoath the Ashen led his war host from the fore mounted upon the fell Bale Taurus Cinderbreath.

Drazhoath the Ashen on Cinderbreath, is a breathtakingly detailed full resin model, and a unique special character for the Legion of Azgorh.

This product includes one citadel 120mm oval base.

Shar’tor the Executioner £72

Shar’tor the Executioner is a malevolent warrior-priest of Hashut. This trampling bull centaur carries the terrifying Darktide Axe, a cruel weapon steeped in untold years of slaughter upon which burn vile runes of hatred and malice. Shar’tor also wears Hashut’s sacred Mask of the Executioner, marking him as his dark god’s favoured headsmen, empowered to call out his god’s name with such a malign force, that the sound alone is enough to kill the weak of heart, just as it fills those loyal to Hashut with unholy wrath.

Shar’tor the Executioner is a Chaos Hero of the Legion of Azgorh. His command ability gives nearby units a chance to ignore wounds, and the mask he wears both inspires other Bull Centaurs in your army to charge and gore your foes, and brings death to the enemy.

Shar’tor the Executioner is the first model in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Character Series. This incredibly detailed model is packaged in a stylish presentation box and includes a detailed 105mm oval base, depicting the ruins of battle that Shar’tor tramples beneath his hooves.

This is a complete, multi- part resin model.

Warpgnaw Verminlord £54

Exhalted Verminlord

Warpgnaw Verminlords are the pathfinders and half-insane guides of the great horde of verminkind, dwelling within the folds of reality as wanderers of the vast network of gnawholes and dimensional passages used by the Skaven to infest all of creation, never wholly within any realm at one time. When the servants of the Horned Rat swarm, it is often these abominations that take the lead, opening paths to realms ripe for plunder and striding forth to rend the enemies of the Horned Rat alongside his lesser children.

An imposing example of Skaven fury, the Warpgnaw Verminlord towers rather than hiding in the shadows. Providing the Skaven collector – or the collector of the wider Warhammer Age of Sigmar range – with a stunning centrepiece, this single-pose miniature oozes character from its massive horns, sneering maw, and sinewy body covered in carved Skaven runes. Even the tall, spindly gnaw-glaive it carries provides ample opportunities for the painter!

This multi-part resin model comes as 16 components, and is supplied with a 105mmx50mm oval base. Rules for fielding the Warpgnaw Verminlord in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar are available as a .pdf download.

Infernal Guard Ironsworn £43

Infernal Warrior Regiment

Clad in Blackshard armour forged not just from iron and fire but also from blood, souls and the very stuff of Chaos, the Infernal Guard march into battle with the pain and suffering of their dark realm forged into their blades and hammers in the form of smouldering runes of torment and death.

The Infernal Guard is a detailed resin kit comprising ten Infernal Guard armed with hand weapons and shields. The kit contains ten differently detailed heads, two different styles of body and five individual designs of weapons, each festooned with the brutal detail of the Dawi Zharr. This product includes ten citadel 25mm round bases.

Elspeth Von Draken on Carmine Dragon £81


The ‘Graveyard Rose’ Elspeth von Draken, Magisterix of the Amethyst College and arch-wizard of the Lore of Death. Von Draken is born of a long bloodline touched by the Winds of Magic, a bloodline that has produced both heroes and monsters in its time, and the Dark Lady of Nuln is undoubtedly one of the most powerful Amethyst wizards of the age.

Appearing as a spectre of death, gowned in robes so black as to be woven from shadow and bearing a keening scythe forged with Dark magic, Magisterix von Draken has long been a hidden defender of the Empire, and her life and acts in its defence are shrouded in both secrecy and suspicion.

This model is a complete resin kit that depicts Elspeth von Draken riding a Carmine Dragon side saddle. She is seated on a towering throne etched with detailed iconography of the Amethyst College and surrounded by alchemical familiar-cherubs.

This product includes one citadel 100mm round base.

As of the most recent update, that is the Top 16 Forge World bestsellers for Age of Sigmar. Were you shocked? Or do you already have one of every model on the list?

What’s your next Forge World purchase for your Age of Sigmar army?