Trav’s Hot Takes: Making a Mawtribes AoS Army

By Travis Perkins | November 19th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Ogor Mawtribes

OgorThe Fatties are back (sort of) in another highly anticipated battletomes for AoS. Here are Trav’s hot takes on playing Ogor Mawtribes now!

Ogors are those people who show up unannounced to Thanksgiving drunk, and then eat and drink all your food and beverages, then proceed to insult everyone at the table… That makes them a great Destruction army!

These models have the most personality of any of the models that GW has made. So, let’s channel our inner Ogor and dig into this book like an Ogor digs into a mawpot…. Kinda gross really.


First off let’s take a gander at what the Ogors get as special abilities:

  • When Ogor or Rhinox unit charges pick a unit within 1” and roll a number of dice equal to the charge roll. Add 2 to each roll if the unit of Ogors has 8 or more models or is a monster. On a 6+ the enemy unit takes 1 mortal wound.
  • Roll 1 dice for each enemy unit within 3” of Beast Claw Raiders, if the roll is equal to or less than the battleround the enemy unit takes D3 mortal wounds.
  • Ogors count as 2 models, and Ogor monsters count as 10 models when controlling objectives.
  • Ogor units within 3” of enemy units gain +2 Bravery, while those outside of 3” gain +2 Move.
  • Unique artifacts, prayers, spells, and tribes.

Let’s start with the units in this army that I really love a lot.

  • Great Mawpot (It’s free so it’s great)
  • Tyrant
  • Slaughtermaster
  • Ironguts
  • Frostlord / Huskard on Thundertusk

The Great Mawpot is great because it’s free and it gives you a bonus to casting and some heals. Is it going to win you any games no, but it costs 0 points so it’s a great value. The tyrant is an excellent leader that every turn can deal a D3 mortal wound to a friendly unit and they never have to take battleshock again. Oh, he can also hit like a tank. The Slaughtermaster to me is a great buffing hero for your Ogor units, as his pot and spell gives you a bonus to hit rolls and a chance to dish out some mortal wounds. Ironguts are an insane battleline troop that have 3 attacks hitting and wounding on 3+ with -1 rend for a flat 3 damage. They can chew through almost anything if they get a charge in. Finally, while the Dirty Snowball is not as good as it used to be it can still dish out some serious mortal wounds against hordes.

ogors wal

Next, I want to look at the “good” units, ones I will probably a couple in a standard army.

  • Ogor Gluttons
  • Butcher
  • Frostlord / Huskard on Stonehorn
  • Leadbelchers
  • Icefall Yhetees

I am not completely 100% sold on the leadbelchers as 12” range is just not very good, however, they have built-in rend and are considered a battleline so I would consider running a block of these. In the right mission, I suppose they could sit on an objective behind a screen and just shoot point-blank every turn. For the Gluttons it is the same deal in that you have big mounds of meat that have a ton of attacks, yet without any rend. They are also battleline though so they are solid in that regards and with each model counting as 2 they could steal some objectives. The Stonehorns are great tanking models that you can use to engage the enemy and hold them while your other units catch up. The Yhetees are great all-around units that can get into combat if they are within 6” of your opponent. They also subtract 1 from hit rolls against them in combat so can be pretty tanky. Finally, the butcher is a pretty good melee-focused wizard, whose spell has a chance to delete a unit if you get lucky.

Let’s take a gander at the situational units next. These are ones that I think could work with some different play styles or lists but you would really need to work around them.

  • Icebrow Hunter
  • Frost Sabres
  • Stonehorn / Tunderstusk Beastriders
  • Ironblaster
  • Gnoblars

Ogor ogre kingdoms tyrant Age of Sigmar

You could have a fun ambush list with the Icebrow hunter and frost sabers. I actually think you could get a turn one charge with sabers and take out some pretty high profile targets with their 3 attacks and rend. The Beastriders are there if you want to run with large behemoths across the board and they can inflict some damage. But I am less than impressed with them for 300 points. The Ironblasters can get buffed to do some damage, but you are still putting a lot of faith into a single shot. Finally, Gnoblars are a great screen unit, but unless you run 60 of them and put them around your entire army they really aren’t doing their job as a screen.

Finally let’s take a look at the units that just aren’t very good (even though they look super cool!) that I wouldn’t want to run in pretty much any list.

  • Mournfang Pack
  • Firebelly
  • Maneaters
  • Gnoblar Scraplauncher
  • Gorgers

The Gnoblar Scraplauncher isn’t going to do anything important other than potentially ping units, though you need to take them if you want the cheapest CP and artifact battalion in the book. So, in a way, they are there to be a tax? Gorgers can set up in ambush but outside of maybe going after a war machine I don’t think they have a chance to do enough damage to really disrupt a backline. The Firebelly is just bad, take a butcher or slaughtermaster instead, his best spell is cast on an 8+ so it’s not going to go off very often. Maneaters are expensive Gluttons that don’t count as battleline units. Finally, the Mournfang Pack are a battleline but with monsters counting as 10 models there is no reason not to use those as battleline instead of the Mournfang Packs.

That’s my take on the units in the new book, next time I am going to cook up a couple of lists that I think might have a chance at being competitive and or fun. Let me know what units you think are best, worst, or just plain disappointing in the comments or shoot me an email!


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