Unlocking Underworlds: Stormsire’s Cursebreakers Tactics

By Travis Perkins | November 5th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Stormcast, Warhammer Underworlds


Today we are breaking down the goodie-two-shoes of the Warhammer Underworlds Nightvault side of the starter set; the Stormsire’s Cursebreakers!

Sigmar has sent some of his Sacrosanct Chamber into the Nightvault with Averon Stormsire and his two Cursebreakers, Ammis Dawnguard and Rastus the Charmed.


They all have 4 wounds, Averon is a level 2 wizard with a built-in spell attack, (Range 3, 1 swirl, 1 Damage) and a Staff attack (Range 2, 2 Hammer Attack, for 2 Damage). Dawnguard is a level 1 wizard and has a Range 1, 2 Hammer Attack, for 2 Damage (with knockback 1) and a Range 1, 3 Duel Swords Attack, for 2 Damage.

While Rastus is a level 1 wizard and has a Range 1 Attack, 2 Hammer Attack, for 2 Damage and a Range 1, 2 Hammer Attack for 1 Damage (with Cleave). Both have the Empower spell action going off on a lightning bolt which lets this fighter reroll one attack dice each time they make an attack action until the end of the phase.

They all become inspired when they successfully cast a spell which increases Averon’s defense dice from 1 to 2 and increases his spell attack damage from 1 to 2. Dawnguard’s attack becomes Range 1, 3 Hammer Attack, for 3 Damage (with knockback 1) and Rastus attack becomes Range 1, 3 Hammer Attack, for 2 Damage (with cleave), both then use dodge and shields for successful defenses.

Let’s look at what cards are unique to this warband from the core Nightvault set:

stormsire 1


  • Blessed Banishment (1 Glory): Score this in an end phase if your warband took an enemy leader out of action in the preceding action phase.
  • Devastating Blow (1 Glory): Score this in an end phase if your warband took two or more enemy fighters out of action in the preceding action phase
  • Fight as One (1 Glory): Score this immediately if a friendly fighter makes an Attack action with two supporting friendly fighters.
  • Harness the Storm (1 Glory): Score this immediately if a friendly fighter successfully casts a spell.
  • Heavily Armed (1 Glory): Score this in an end phase if three or more surviving friendly fighters each have at least one upgrade.
  • Magical Supremacy (1 Glory): Score this in an end phase if your warband successfully cast two or more spells in the preceding action phase.
  • Measured Strike (1 Glory): Score this immediately if a friendly fighter makes a successful Attack action that deals exactly enough damage to take their target out of action.
  • Overwhelming Storm (1 Glory): Score this in an end phase if you have more surviving fighters than your opponent.
  • Purify the Storm (2 Glory): Score this in an end phase if you hold an objective held by an enemy fighter at the beginning of the round.

Gambits (Ploys and Spells):

  • Aetherwind Stance (Ploy): Friendly fighters have +1 Defense for the first Attack action in the next activation.
  • Chain Lighting (1 Swirl Spell): If this spell is cast, Scatter 3 from the caster’s hex. Any enemy fighter in a hex in the chain suffers 1 damage.
  • Cry of Thunder (2 Lightning Bolt Spell): If this spell is cast, choose an enemy fighter. That fighter and any fighters adjacent to that fighter suffer 1 damage.
  • Empathic Conduction (1 Swirl Spell): If this spell is cast, choose a friendly fighter adjacent to the caster. Remove a wound token from that fighter’s fighter card.
  • Gather the Storm (Ploy): Innate (Lightning Bolt) for the next spell your warband attempts to cast. This effect persists.
  • Lightning Assault (Ploy) Reaction: Play this after a friendly fighter’s Attack action that fails. That fighter can make another Attack action that targets the same fighter.
  • Lightning Step (Ploy): The first friendly fighter to make a Move or Charge action in the next activation can move through occupied and blocked hexes, but must end their move in an empty hex.
  • Safeguard Spirit (Ploy) Reaction: Play this after an Attack action or gambit that takes a friendly fighter adjacent to another friendly fighter out of action. Your opponent doesn’t score any glory points for taking that fighter out of action.
  • Stormstrike (Ploy): +1 Damage to the first Attack action with a Range 1 or 2 in the nest activation.
  • Stormward (Ploy) Reaction: Play this during an enemy fighter’s spell or spell Attack action, if the spell is cast. Roll a magic dice. On a roll of “swirl” that spell is not cast and is not resolved.

stormsire card 2


  • Blessed Blade (Stormsire): Range 1, 2 Hammer Attack, 2 Damage with Cleave
  • Corposant Staff (Stormsire) Spell Action 1 Swirl: If this spell is cast, choose a friendly fighter. Their Attack actions with a single target have +1 Range until the end of the phase.
  • Disarming Blow (Rastus, Ammis) Reaction: After an attack action made by an adjacent enemy fighter that targets this fighter and fails, roll a defense dice. On a roll of shield or critical select an Attack action upgrade on the attacking fighter, That upgrade is discarded.
  • Eye of the Storm: Innate (Lightning Bolt)
  • Hurricane Step (Rastus, Ammis) Reaction: After this fighter’s Attack action, push this fighter up to one hex.
  • Lightning Whip (Rastus, Ammis) Reaction: After this fighter’s Attack action that succeeds, deal 1 additional damage to the target of that Attack action.
  • Stunning Blow (Rastus, Ammis) Reaction: After an Attack action made by an adjacent enemy fighter that targets this fighter and fails, roll a defense dice. On a roll of shield or critical, place a Charge token net to the attacking fighter.
  • Tempest’s Might: +1 Damage to all spell Attack actions
  • Unstoppable Zeal (Rastus) Reaction: After this fighter’s Attack action that takes an enemy fighter out of action, this fighter can make the following Attack action. Range 1, 2 Hammer Attack, 1 Damage.
  • Warding Blast (Ammis): Range 1, 2 duel swords dice, 2 damage. Targets all adjacent enemies.

To build this deck we are only going to use the cards from the Nightvault set, at the end of the season I will build a deck for every warband like I did from season 1 and use all the cards from both.

Stormsire's Cursebreakers Collection

Starting with the objective cards, I am going to make this a more aggressive warband as the low model count does not help with objective holding. This limits you to using all the Cursebreaker only cards and 3 of the 4 non “Hold Objective” cards in the universal set. But it does give you a nice mix of easy to score 1 glory cards and some harder 2-3 glory cards.

For my 10 gambit cards, I really want to get all my models inspired so I am going to add in 1 copy of every spell from the core set, and follow that up with Aetherwing Stance, Gather the Storm, Stormstrike, Confusion, and Sidestep to round out my gambit deck. This gives me a lot of spells to try and cast to make my elite troops super elite and adds in some board control.

Finally, for upgrades, I really like the Corposant Staff to buff the range of my slow fighters, Eye of the Storm to give me basically a free Empower, and Lightning Whip for bonus damage to all Attack actions. The Universal upgrades of Great Fortitude, Great Speed, and Great Strength are a good fit in any deck so can be added, and then the final four upgrades you can pick and choose from the remaining cards. Предлагаме ви да се запознаете с инструкциите за нова регистрация Palmsbet com. Както сигурно очаквате, в тази процедура няма абсолютно нищо сложно. Ще ви убедим в това ! Обърнете внимание на описаните стъпки по-долу. Разбира се , може да си направите нова сметка в платформата на ПалБет и без четете нашите съвети и напътствия.

I think even if you have a lot of other cards from season 1, you are still going to want to make a pretty aggressive Cursebreakers deck that relies on spells and fighter support to take the brunt of your opponents charge and then counter with a bigger punch.

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