Warcry Cypher Lords Warband Unboxing & Build

By Tim Roberts | April 10th, 2020 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Unboxing, Videos, Warcry

The first Warcry Unit Expansion is here! We unbox and build the Cypher Lords and compare them to the two Warcry Starter warbands.

The Cypher Lords are coming in hot this week from Games Workshop! We are going to go over this new Warband for the Warcry skirmish game and see all the new sprues within. Plus we’ll put one of these new minis together so you can see how it compares to your current collection.

Cypher Lords: $50

Get Yours For Less From Minature Market!


Rulers of the city-state of Nochseed, the Cypher Lords are masters of illusion and deception. They have gazed into the dark heart of Chaos and embraced its infinite madness.

  • Conquer Warcry with trickery, magic, and madness!
  • Use in Warcry with the included rules and ability card…
  • …and add them to your Slaves to Darkness Warhammer Age of Sigmar army!


First, out of the box, you are going to see all the cards you need to add this Warband to your games of Warhammer Warcry. If you bought any of the $8 Faction Card Packs it is basically the same thing, just for the Cypher Lords.


As a side note, This box comes with not only three 25mm bases and one 32 mm bases but also four of the brand new 28mm bases. So if you are looking for some custom third party bases you might have a hard time trying to find the new size.


As far as assembly goes these new models look to go together pretty well. They are the computer slices that we have come to expect out of these smaller expansions so you might want to keep the Vallejo Plastic Putty handy and maybe some of these Color Shaper rubber tip brushes to fill any gaps that you might find along the way.


These new Cypher Lords look great, and are full of the multipart detail we have come to expect from GW.  Sizewise it all makes sense as well.  Here is their leader Johnny “Three Hands” next to one of the minis from the Warcry Starter set.

As always, keep those hobby muscles strong, stay in the trenches, and check out our Warcry Cypher Lords Unboxing & Build video below!

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