Warhammer Card Game on the Horizon: AoS Champions

By Wesley Floyd | July 31st, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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A new Warhammer card game has been spotted that’ll be hitting the shelves soon. We’ll be taking a look at how the game works and what factions will be in it.

Warhammer Community dropped the details of this new card game and it’s scheduled to hit the shelves later in the week. There will be four playable factions including Order, Destruction, Death, and Chaos.

Warhammer Card Game on the Horizon: AoS Champions

With that, let’s dive into the basics of the game.

Deckbuild to Victory

aos champions 1 Warhammer Card Game on the Horizon: AoS Champions

Building a deck for Warhammer Champions starts with picking your four favourite heroes, or Champion Cards. These guys are the core of how your game works, each possessing unique and powerful abilities that’ll impact the entire game.

Once you’ve decided on your hero, you’ll need to pick out some blessing cards. These are cards that have powerful artifacts or spells attached to them that’ll help your hero pull out a win in-game. No hero is complete without a legendary piece of gear!

Lastly, you’ll need 30 action cards. These are other minions, spells, and moves that your hero can use at his disposal to kill the enemy.

Cards in Action

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This isn’t just any old card game. you’ll need to try and conquer four lanes on the field with minions, spells, and your hero.

Every turn, you can take two actions – from summoning cards from your hand to performing Heroic Actions and drawing new cards.

With a new mechanic we haven’t ever seen before, players will rotate the cards 90 degrees each turn and use the different set of stats on the sides of the cards.

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Consequently, each time a player turns a card, he’ll trigger a different effect on a card. A shield of protection may get stronger and stronger until the card turns back to its original facing.

Don’t forget that the goal of the game is to find your hidden blessing before your opponent does. They are supposed to have a pretty game-changing effect.

The Digital Side of Things

Warhammer Morathi Slaanesh Sigmar

The game can be played in-person or online. Great news. if you own the card in real life, you’ll own it online too. The game can be played on mobile and will eventually be available on Steam for PC.

What to Look for on the Shelves

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Grab a campaign deck to start things off. It’ll have everything you need to start playing. Once you really start to get the hang of the game, move on to some booster packs and get more powerful cards.

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The game will be available for English speaking regions first. But if you can’t wait that long, it’ll be available at GenCon as well. If you find yourself at GenCon it may be worth checking out the booth. They’ll have special promo goodies for the game you can’t find anywhere else.

What do you think about the card game? What faction do you want to try playing? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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