We’ve Got Pipes! New Space Marine Rumor Engine Spotted?

gw rumor engineAnother rumor engine is here and this is one of the more tricky ones we’ve had in a while, as this looks like Space Marine details in this pic.

Warhammer Community dropped their most recent rumor engine bit showing off something with a bunch of old pipes. Usually, we can tell if it’s for 40k or AoS, but this one has us stumped. Here’s a deep look into what’s been spotted.

We’ve Got Pipes! New Space Marine Rumor Engine Spotted?

rumor engine 6-23-20

So here’s the rumor engine. It’s so odd because it looks like some old nasty pipes were laid across some kind of updated, crisp, metal object. Let’s unpack this a bit more.

rumor engine closeupIf we had to take a guess on what we’re looking at, we’d say this is the back of a Terminator suit with some old dusty pipes strewn across. Something that definitely isn’t past the Death Guard. If you can see on the bottom left, it looks like there could possibly part of a shoulder plate cut off in the frame. Plus, the regular Terminator armor pattern, has somewhat of a gradual incline on the top armor plate that comes to a point.

rumor engine resemblanceSee the resemblance? The thing that’s really throwing us off is the pipes. Those pipes almost give it Steampunk vibe which you would thing goes to the Kharadron Overlords. But overall, the resemblance to Terminator armor is so close we can’t move beyond it right now.

What do you think this rumor engine could be a part of? Is this some kind of Death Guard Terminator model on the way? Is it actually something for Age of Sigmar?

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