You Face Mecha Grot! A Gloomspite Gitz Scratch Build

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Every now and then, we see an awesome conversion done by someone in the community. This Mecha Grot took hobbying to the next level.

Coming from hobby maniac, Mike F., he decided to make a Grot-themed Rogue Idol for his Gloomspite Gitz army in AoS. Take a look at the finished product as well as his steps to making this beast.

You Face Mecha Grot! A Gloomspite Gitz Conversion Corner

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I decided to create my own Rogue Idol for my Gloomspite Gitz army. Being based in Chamon, I felt that a little bit of steampunk aesthetic would be appropriate. I justify it in the fluff, saying that the Fungoid Shaman who leads my army, after consuming a particularly bizarre mushroom, then received strange visions from Gorkamorka detailing how to construct the Mecha Grot

As we said, the Mecha Grot is a stand-in for a Rogue idol as a Destruction ally option. This hulking contraption looks like its made out of old scrap metal and spare boiler room parts found by the Grotz on their nightly raids. Imagine seeing this thing shamble across the battlefield blowing plumes of smoke and mushroom spores as it breaks your frontline!

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Believe it or not, this thing is just one massive hobby workout with nearly all of the bits being handmade.

Hobbying on Plasticard

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I constructed the thing mainly out of layers of plasticard. By rolling sheets of plastic into tube shapes, and gluing them together, I slowly built up the basic shape. I added details by using more plasticard to mimic armor plates, some plasticard rivets (which I created with a tiny hole punch), and some gears and cogs that I found in the scrapbooking section of my local crafts store.

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I sculpted the head out of modeling clay, and the spikes and pressure gauges were purchased online (the gauges were from Kromlech, and the spikes from Gadgets Plus on Shapeways).

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Great job on keeping those hobby muscles strong! This thing definitely would serve as a huge morale boost to the regular Bravery 4 Grots that the Gitz have endless hordes of.

What do you think about this conversion? Have you been inspired to make a mech for your army? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.