A Different Way To Paint Ork Skin: Weirdboy Flesh:

By Barclay Montgomery | November 27th, 2018 | Categories: Airbrushing, How To Tutorial, Orks

weirdboy lore

Get weird with Jack of Clubs painting on this Ork flesh tutorial using an airbrush! The Waaagh will go on once you have mastered painting green! 

This airbrush quickie starts off with some Vallejo flat green in a thin coat all around for the flesh. Instead of establishing a gradient, the brown base coat allows the brown to show through in the recesses.

This weird way to paint this Ork skin is suitably fitting for this Weirdboy, giving him a different type of green-skin workup. The bright green for this miniature adds to the glowing type of radioactive energy that a Weirdboy is filled with as the Waagh grows in power.

Add Necrotite Green from P3 as the next coat of green for this Weirdboy to bring out a soft, skin-tone gradient. This also brings out the muscling and face well with a nice green-skin feel. We’ll ignore a top-down highlight here since the effect we’re going for is him producing his own light, keeping with the energy-filled theme for this model.

For the next coat of paint, use Vallejo Lemon Yellow in a 30/70 mix with the Necrotite Green to make the fingers, feet, and face pop out with more detail to accentuate the sculpt of the Weirdboy’s body.

This whole paint scheme is a super bright green that will make your Ork army stand out. A final wash for the model is perfect to finish him up. Biel-Tan Green wash will make your Ork steal clean green or you may use Athonian Camoshade to add a more brown-green and a dirtier look to your Orks.

Use this quick airbrush tutorial to get your Ork skin done super fast and super effective for your next Waagh!