Painting Chaos Alpha Legion is Fast & Easy

Painting Alpha Legion is Fast & Easy

Looking for a way to paint Alpha Legion, fast and easy? Use that airbrush to get some fades that mimic the shine of metal!

Alpha Legion can look sharp and fantastic, even without using metals as a base. Take a look at this great way of painting up your Alpha Legion models by utilizing that airbrush.

Painting Alpha Legion is Fast & Easy

Painting Alpha Legion is Fast & Easy

Starting with Exile Blue from P3, apply several thin coats over the black primer to build up the bright blue. Next, mix Eldrich by P3 into the Exile Blue and spray it over the blue to start your highlight transitions.

Do not completely cover the Exile Blue or the transition will be too sudden.

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Thin down Necrotite Green by P3 and very lightly spray it across the blues, like a glaze, to add a little color and shine. Then thin down Eldrich Blue and spray that into the mid-tones and blend it into the Necrotite Green. To get great transitions on the shoulders without spraying the head, use a piece of paper to block the area out and spray lightly.

Thin down Arcane Blue and glaze it into the green to bring out more highlights on the blues. To pop out the highlights on the green, mix P3’s Cygnus Yellow into the green and spray it on the peaks of the greens to really bring out the shine.

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Using a brush, apply your silver trim with a bright silver, such as Scale 75 Heavy Metal. This silver is extremely bright but will be washed later to bring out the shadows. Use the same silver on the weapons and claws as desired. Use Galvanized Steel by P3 to paint the scrollwork for a bright, clean look.

In those easy steps, your Alpha Legion Contemptor Dreadnought is tabletop ready and already looking fantastic. With some additional detail work, plus washes later, he will be ready to go! While this tutorial specifically used the airbrush to achieve this look, you can achieve a similar effect with a regular brush by applying multiple thin glazes.

Be sure to check out the entire tutorial by pressing play on the video below!