Alpha Legion Warhammer Army & Display Forge World Showcase

Alpha Legion Warhammer Army & Display Forge World Showcase

Don’t miss a truly unique Alpha Legion army for both Warhammer 40k or Horus Heresy, with a custom display diorama that’s really top-notch by White Metal Games.

This amazing Alpha Legion army and diorama showcase is brought to you by the insanely talented artists at White Metal Games.

Display Board

The army itself comes with its own custom made diorama base that is over two square feet! WMG expertly modeled it to display a selection of miniatures rather than showcase a full army!

Alpha Legion

This entire project took 80 to 100 hours to complete, so you know that White Metal Games is dedicated to the craft.

White Metal Games

The entire diorama has been designed with simplicity in mind, allowing for the columns to be removed for easy transport. AVS Plastic sheeting has been formed on the back of the diorama to add a clean-cut look. Slots for each model have been crafted into the diorama to mesh the army with its display board.

The Army Itself

This is an alternate take on an Alpha Legion army paint scheme wise. No metallic paints were used to paint this Alpha Legion army, forgoing the usual sparkly metallic paints.  A matte finish was used to paint this army. Plus there are also many custom conversions abound throughout the units. They also matched the basing to the diorama board as well, filling out a necropolis theme.

White Metal Games

The entire board is built to showcase each unit throughout this army. The Hydra theme and Grecian Mediterranean theme was blended with resin water effects, as per request from the original client. Also, the diorama can showcase a smaller contingent of the whole army’s models. That way the board itself only takes away a little bit of attention from the models themselves.

White Metal Games

Alpharius is joined by a powerful retinue of Alpha Legion warriors to include a standard bearer. Each character is shown in a dynamic pose, especially Alpharius as he slays a loyalist Ultramarine. White Metal Games

Overall White Metal Games looks to have knocked this project out of the park! Be sure to press play on the video below, and hit them up today for a quote on making your army their next project!


Commissioned models provided in exchange for this showcase promotion.