Look Good With Anvil Industry Wasteland Cloaks

Anvil Industry Wasteland Cloaks

Only the best for your troops! Even if they come from a horrible Death World, Anvil Industry has your guys covered with Wasteland Cloaks!

Wasteland Cloaks $6.64

These are designed to work with our Regiments models, and will also likely fit a wide range of other 28mm heroic scale models. Depending on the torso and pose, some modelling work may be needed to get a good fit. We recommend filling gaps with putty to make the cloaks look as good as possible. You can heat the resin cloaks up in hot water to soften, and bend them gently into new poses.

These Wasteland Cloaks can make any infantry unit look just like the Death Korps. Make your men proud with these new Wasteland Cloaks from Anvil Industry!

That’s my jacket!

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