40k Apocalypse- Collectors Edition Unboxing

Checkout the inside scoop on Warzone: Pandorax, that Apocalypse supplement that was only included with the Limited “Collectors Edition”.

I happened to pick up the collectors edition when Apocalypse came out, and man I really love this thing. It has some pretty useful aids for playing games of Apocalypse that will really take the burden out of making them myself or lugging the big book around from game to game.

It comes in a small collectors case, about the size of a super heavy model kit, and contains the following;

– A leatherette-bound A5 edition of the rules section of the Apocalypse rulebook

– A double-sided concertina edition of the miniatures showcase, entitled Pluvian’s Fighting Formations & Engines of War 974.M41.

– A set of Apocalypse Formation cards inscribed Index Detestatum.

– A set of 63 elegant black Strategic Asset cards.

– Two Warzone compendiums containing background and additional formations for the wars of Armageddon and Pandorax.

The first thing I really about this set is the sweet “mini” rulebook for Apocalypse.  It’s 76 pages big, and is “leather” bound with a page holder as well.

It contains all the rules for the game itself, minus the quick reference sections which themselves come as a laminated fold out “Dungeon Master” type screen that can be laid on the table top to run games of Apocalypse, or just to have handy for rolling game results.

The Datasheets, Painting Gallery, and “Warzone” Armageddon are all separate game aids contained with in this edition itself allowing the rulebook to be just big enough for rules consulting.

Speaking of Datasheets, the Index Detestatum contains smaller thicker cardstock printouts of all the datasheets included with the main rulebook, with index tabs for quick referencing or sorting.

It makes playing with these bigger units easier for sure, as I can just have a few small card on the table to keep track of bigger models and formations now.

This edition also come with a set of the strategic asset cards as well, and a fancy spot to keep them in the box, right next to the spot to hold the “Warzone” books (below).

Speaking of Warzone books, the highly anticipated “Warzone”: Pandorax book contains sets of datasheets that were not included with the initial Apocalypse 40k book, leading some to speculate on it’s “supplemental” status, or whether it was just made as a extra for this collectors set.

Either way it contains 100% new fluff on a campaign that contained the entire might of the Dark Angels chapter of Space Marines and strangely some Grey Knight allies who teamed up against Abaddon himself.

It’s a pretty cool read, that combines some Lord of the Rings elements along with your typical Grim Dark setting to show that things aren’t always what they seem.

Speaking of which, some of the Apocalypse units we’ve all come to know and love got some fluff changes themselves in this book as well.

That’s it for me, but Loken wrote a great article (below) on the new “Warzone”: Pandorax book itself, and I made a video unboxing of the collectors edition for you all to enjoy as well.  -MBG

Here are the contents of the “Warzone”: Pandorax courtesy of Apocalypse 40k’s blog.

The Warzone: Pandorax booklet in the Apocalypse “Collector’s Edition” lists new formations.
Pandorax for now is only available in the Collectors Edition (expected in stores for those who pre-ordered, tomorrow).  But here are the formations and Strategic Assets you will see.


Chaos Space Marines
The Chosen of Abaddon
Daemon Engine Pack
Great Brass Scorpion of Khorne
The Hounds of Huron
Khorne Tower of Skulls
Maelstrom of Gore
Plaguereaper of Nurgle
Trinity of Blood


Daemonic Forgehost

Imperial Guard
Deathstrike Vortex missile Battery
‘Emperor’s Mercy’ Commissariat Squad
Storm Trooper Mission Elite
Traitor’s Bane
Xerxes Airborne Support Wing

Maruader Bomber
Warhound hunting Pack

Dark Angels
Talon of Vengeance
Thunderhead Squadron

Grey Knights

Assassinorum Murder Squad


Chaos Space Marines
Death to the false emperor
Kreator Rex (all chaos super heavies start with an extra hull point)
Raiders from the Maelstrom

Chaos Daemons
Chaos Gate
The Damnation Cache

Imperial Guard
Colonel Strike
Jungle Ambush

Dark Angels

Grey Knights
Defy the Daemon
So the list of formations grows.  Also, you should note that strategic assets that are listed in Imperial Armour books that are not in the new Apocalypse rulebook, are no longer valid.  Go ahead and house rule them as you see fit.  But technically they don’t exist anymore!  We had this come up in our game this weekend.  So make sure you have a good rules discussion first before you start playing.  We sat down for half an hour and walked through the book and it helped a ton.
