Kicking off the 40k Apocalypse teaser train, Space Marines are leading the charge. Check out their specific rules and tricks.
Warhammer Community started off the faction previews with Space Marines and their tactics and playstyle. Let’s check out what our boys in power armor will be doing.
40k Apocalypse: Space Marine Faction Focus Preview
Nothing has changed for them on the basic rule-front. They still have the Know no Fear which is a pseudo-fearless rule that can actually make more of your guys run away…
Robbie G is Still Good
Let’s take a look at Robbie G next. While he may be small in comparison to the horrifying Warmachines that are bound to pop up in Apocalypse games, he’s still a beatstick and a master tactician.
As far as Robbie G goes, he’s able to melt through any kind of enemy he touches. With a 4+ SAP and 4+ SAT, that means that’s all he has to roll higher than on a D12 whenever he hits something (no matter what it is). He could chop the ankles right off of a Warhound if he manages to get to it.
Plus, Destroyer doubles the number of blast markers you put on enemy units.
On top of Big E’s sword, he has the ability to give you more asset cards and even change the orders on a detachment.
Repulsor Executioner
The Laser Destroyer and Macro Plasma Incinerators have some uniquely different profiles that allow it to be useful in any battlefield role. The Heavy Laser Destroyer is definitely more suited towards armor as it only hurts infantry on a 9+ (rolling on a D12). Meanwhile, the plasma is a solid option for both targets.
As long as it moves under half of its full movement, you get to shoot everything twice. This little hovering dakka box might be something you want to invest in when it hits the shelves.
Astartes Command Assets
In Apocalypse, every army has access to Command Assets – tactical plays that represent your grand strategy that can change the tide of battle. Each Faction can use universal Command Assets, or Faction-specific choices that represent their distinctive abilities and the character of their sub-factions.
This Command Asset goes one of two ways. It can help Salamanders auto-hit. Or any Adeptus Astartes can use this to reroll a hit roll. Obviously, this belongs in the hands of Salamanders over the latter.
As for the Psyker assets, your Psyker can debuff the enemy’s armor save by 2 within 12″ of him. As we saw earlier, Primaris Intercessors have a 6+ armor save so this asset can get silly quick.
All in all Space Marines are looking powerful and unique. But we have to remember they are only the tip of the iceberg. Stay tuned to check out what other factions are getting in 40k Apocalypse as time goes on! Let us know what you think about the Space Marine’s rules in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.