GW Reveals 40k Apocalypse Chaos Space Marine Rules

Sit back and buckle up beacuse Chaos is here for 40k Apocalypse! Don’t miss how the bad guys are going to be playing against the good guys now!

40k’s Apocalypse is waiting just around the corner. All of the 40k factions will be a part of this game. And with a reworked playstyle from 8th edition, all of the factions will be getting some new unique rules. Let’s jump into Chaos Marines from Warhammer Community.

Chaos Space Marine Rules Previewed: Apocalypse 40k


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Chaos Marines, like every other in faction in 40k, will rely on key characters to buff your detachments. Let the Galaxy Burn will make the entire detachment reroll wounds of 1. This is better than a reroll 1s to hit aura because almost everything in the Chaos Marine codex hits on a natural 2+/3+ anyway. You’ll have way more wounds fail than hits.

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Warhammer Community also decided to show love to the Lord of Skulls in the preview. This guy gets brutally scary when you damage him. For each damage marker on him, he gets an extra attack. You can see how that would snowball out of control quickly.

Big Bad Abaddon

abaddon new chaos release games worksjop


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As for Abaddon, he’s got roughly the same rules as he does in 40k. He makes everyone around him fearless and can reroll all hit rolls for Black Legion units standing around him. It’s nice but we’re not sure how big of a target he’ll have on his back in a game full of Warhound and Warlord Titans.

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Dark Destiny makes Abaddon tankier than you’d expect. He has a 3+ base save…but you get to roll your save on a D12.

Chaos Marines Have A Leg-Up on Primaris

It might not be too relevant in 8th edition, but Chaos Marines can be taken in squads of 20 and all armed with chainswords. You sacrifice some firepower but you’ll be able to mulch a squad of Orks or Hormagaunts in Apocalypse if you find yourself in melee combat.

Chaos Command Assets

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Delightful Agonies definitely falls in the favor of Slaanesh. However, it acts differently from the psychic power in 8th edition. This psychic asset is exclusive to a Slaanesh Heretic Astartes unit, but it lets them ignore any major penalties from damage and lets them fight harder in melee. We’ll see how huge that is once we understand the game more.

Black Legion are getting an Asset called Black Crusaders which lets them advance, shoot, and charge all in the same activation! That’s perfect for supporting a unit out of nowhere or catching your opponent by surprise.

All in all, Chaos Marines are looking to have an exciting new playstyle from what they are in 8th edition. With that said, we’ve barely scratched the surface. Keep checking back for more rules previews on your favorite factions coming to Apocalypse and let us know what you think about Chaos Marines in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.