GW Teases New Genestealer Cults 40k Apocalypse Rules

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Genestealer Cults will be able to mass armies big enough for Apocalypse 40k games. Check out what kind of warfare they’ll be waging in large-scale combat.

Warhammer Community revealed some of the rules for the GSC in Apocalypse 40k. These guys might be a top faction in 8th edition right now but how will they hold up in large-scale warfare?

Genestealer Cults Rising To Power: 40k Apocalypse Faction Focus

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Cult Ambush works a little different in Apocalypse from 8th edition. However, it seems just as powerful. Whenever you want to move a unit, you can have them return to the shadows and heal D3 blast markers. This might be really useful if a massive squad of Abberants gets picked on by some unsuspected firepower. You can just scoop them up, heal, and have them drop back in.

The Patriarch Is Still Big Papa


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The Monstrous Claws might leave something desired for this guy. With only a 7+ to wound vehicles, you’d think his huge claws would be a bit better at penetrating armor.

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However, Brood Telepathy is still a huge help. You can add 1 to ALL hit rolls for mele weapons within 6″ of the Patriarch. It’s going to come down to keeping as many units as you can around this guy to make the most of the buff.

The Nexos Is Still An Expert Planner

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The Nexos may refund some CP and help with deployment in 8th edition. However, in Apocalypse, he’ll be helping you keep your Command Assets strong.

Tectonic Fragdrill

tectonic fragdrill

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The Seismic Quake is a bit easier to go off in Apocalypse than in 8th edition but it’s a blast marker spammer. Once the second battle round starts, you have a once per game ability to draw a line across the table and hand out blast markers to everyone that line crosses over on a 5+. Not too bad!

Command Assets Previewed

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You have to have a Psyker in your list (which shouldn’t be too hard considering Maguses are cheap and Patriarchs are lynchpins. However, this Asset lets you take over a light or heavy unit from the enemy’s list within 24″ and you get to shoot/fight with it. It sounds like it’ll be just as brutal in Apocalypse as it is in 8th edition.

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Finally, your Warlord can detonate the explosives he set in place before the battle even began. You get three points to pick all within 18″ of each other and roll a 5+ for each unit within 6″ of each point. That’s a lot of ground that these explosives are covering. You should be able to pick up a few blast markers on some units with this Asset every time.

All in all, GSC are keeping their fighting style of Guerilla Warfare in full stride. With a lack of serious armor and shooting, these guys have to fight with unconventional, yet totally effective methods. What do you think about the GSC rules previewed? Do you think they’ll be powerful in Apocalypse games? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.