GW Teases New Ork 40k Apocalypse Rules

ork hor wal

The Orks just got some new rule teasers for all the goodies they’ll be getting in all the large scale 40k Apocalypse games that will be happening soon!

Warhammer Community revealed a handful of rules for the Orks. Now let’s check out what they’ll be getting and see how the Greenskinz will be sizing up to everything else that’s been covered.

Orks Rules Previewed For 40k’s Apocalypse

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Starting off strong, Orks with the WAAAGH! ability will essentially have Death to the False Emperor…except it’s against everyone and for shooting AND melee. Another huge advantage here is that Orks can be blobbed up into huge squads for some extra punch.

killa kan


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Looking at the Killa Kans, they’ve got plenty of Dakka to lay down. With all different kinds of ranges on the weapons, the kicker to look at is the SAP (Strength against personnel) and SAT (Strength against tanks) value. Whenever you hit your target with a weapon, you need to roll higher than the value shown on a D12. All in all, their weapons have just under less than 50% chance to wound an infantry target and about 30% chance to wound a vehicle. Those might not sound like great stats but Killa Kans have been notoriously cheap, spammable walkers.

big mek

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Big Meks should be making a name for themselves in-game. These guys are good in regular 40k and sound even better in Apocalypse. With a 60″ range cannon, they’ll be lobbing two shots a piece that creates two blast markers on your target because of the Destroyer rule. Plus you’ve got a 50/50 chance to wound whatever you shoot at.

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For just a little extra icing on the cake, the Big Meks can keep your armored-up units running a little bit longer. It’s not a crazy ability, but it’s nice if you have enough of these guys.

The Stompa Might Be Useful


 The Stompa truly shines in Apocalypse, armed with a terrifying array of weaponry, incredibly difficult to put down and capable of delivering 20 of your killiest models straight to the heart of the battle. The Stompa is awesome because of its ability to go the distance in your biggest games, softening enemies up at extreme range…

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There’s no question that this thing has a lot of shots. Plus, with a 100″ range rocket, it can reach out and slap just about anything (assuming it can actually hit its target). But beyond that, its melee capabilities are looking quite nice too. However, with all the shooting in the game, we doubt this thing will ever actually see melee.

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With a roll of a 4+ and 3+ depending on what you target, it’s going to pretty much be auto-dead. Plus it’s got the Destroyer keyword that we covered above!

Orks Command Assets

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In a massive game like Apocalypse would you believe that Gretchin would still be relevant? If you’re running any Gretchin in your list, you essentially get to pass blast markers off onto them to keep your real units fighting strong.

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Bad Moons are getting some love with their classic shooting expertise. They’ll be able to reroll all hit rolls for attacks made from ranged weapons in a single detachment. Alternatively, if you generate this and don’t have any Bad Moons, you can just reroll a hit roll for a single attack from any Ork unit.

Orks are looking surprisingly good in terms of shooting. Big Meks with Shokk Attack Gunz might be a staple in Ork games. What do you think about the Orks in Apocalypse? Do you think the Stompa might be useful? How many Big Meks will you be taking? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.