New Apocalypse Rumors!

As you may have heard Spikey Bits is super excited for Apocalypse!

Last night I finished trimming and washing up my other Eldar Revenant Titan to try to have the twins ready to go for the big release next weekend.

Rumors seem to be leaking more and more on the new rules set, and Faeit had collected a bunch up on his site.

So far I’m digging the rumors, and cant wait to see the real thing next weekend.  What do you have planned for the BIG release? -MBG

Courtesy of Faeit

Apocalypse information was discovered out of the latest White Dwarf, and is a collection of what is coming in the Apocalypse book that is already up for pre-orders.

This was sent in to me this morning, and it gives us some direct information (which if you were reading last week all of the Apocalypse rumors were direct, just not from the White Dwarf). So lets break this down a little bit and take a look at it.

Please remember that these are being gleaned from the latest White Dwarf, and as such, there is still room for error. Nothing is solid until we have the book in hand.