Orks Skullhamma TanksGiving Conversion Contest

By Rob Baer | December 5th, 2011 | Categories: Apocalypse 40k, Orks, tanksgiving

So here is another entry in the TanksGiving Challenge. This one is by Wyatt, and is a Skullhamma

Ill be posting each one of the entires over like the next week or so, and then set them all up for voting at the end so you can pick your favorite!

Here’s it’s stats:

This is a Deathskulls Skullhamma.  It has overcharged engines powered by what can only be squig steam.  This allows it to move 24″ despite its sizable bulk. 

 This is even more fearsome since it can carry a full mob of orks into the enemy ranks and disgorge them from its “Assault Gob”.  With 13 armor on the front and sides as well as 3 structure points, the Skullhamma is very difficult to prevent the delivery of it’s contents. 

After the occupants have disembarked, the Skullhamma continues to threaten the enemy with its formidable firepower.  It is armed with a turret Skullhamma Kannon,
an Eye-mounted Lobba, and two twin-liked big shootas.

Thanks to everyone that entered, and good luck!  You can checkout all the other TanksGiving Entries, here.

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