Plastic Thunderhawk? You be the Judge!

By Rob Baer | March 29th, 2013 | Categories: Apocalypse 40k, Forge World, Warhammer 40k News

Well is it or isn’t it? Sources have immediately speculated that this is a plastic Thunderhawk.

I’ve taken a close look at it, and there is several points of differences between the model in the picture and the resin Thunderhawk.

More comparrisons on the way for sure. Oh and Tau go on Advanced Order tonight at midnight as well.

From Faeit 
Parting Shot….. the Plastic Thunderhawk

The mythical beast of 40k, the plastic Thunderhawk has a new possible sighting, the last page of the latest White Dwarf. This definitely is a Thunderhawk, or something similar, but the question is….. is it the magical creature we have been searching for?

The roar of engines, the recoil of cannons, that is where the true joy of battle lies

Well, it definitely is not a Stormraven, and at first glance has a different look than the Forgeworld varieties we currently have. With an apocalypse updated 6th edition release sitting ahead of us, anything is possible. I will let the speculation and conspiracies begin.

A huge thanks to the Wolfspider for sending this in from his own copy of April’s White Dwarf