New Primaris Rules Spotted: What Does This Mean For 40k?

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New Space Marine rules were just spotted for Apocalypse.  So what does this mean for Primaris rules in 8th edition Warhammer 40k?

Warhammer Community dropped all of the unit datasheets for Apocalypse as a free download. But now that we’ve had a chance to look over some things, there were a few key points for Space Marines that we’d like to take a closer look at.

40k’s Apocalypse game is the simplified version of large-scale combat. But what do you make of these tweaks and additions to yet-unreleased kits like Vanguard Marines?

Primaris Hellblasters Only Have One Plasma Type




While Hellblasters are a fairly new Primaris unit and have three weapon options to pick from in 8th edition, everyone is going to be kitted with Plasma Incinerators. As far as stats go, they can really dish out some damage getting a 50/50 chance to wound any tanks and an even greater possibility of killing infantry.

Primaris Librarians

vanguard librarian


primaris librarian

Primaris Librarians are all the same starting out. However, the Phobos armor counts as wargear. Any Primaris Librarian can be upgraded for +2 PL to become a Phobos Librarian gaining Stealth and Infiltrators.

Suppressor Squads


suppressor squads

Suppressor squads might be performing a little lackluster in Apocalypse. The anti-overwatch ability they have in 8th edition has been taken away for these guys in Apocalypse. But on top of that, their guns are looking a little weak. They get three shots apiece but the gun is Heavy and on top of that, you’ll only be wounding things on an 8+. Even the regular Boltgun from a Tac Squad wounds infantry on a 7+. You’ll be shooting massive autocannon shells at Orks but only getting a 33% chance to wound. Kinda meh.

Eliminator Squads

shadowspear eliminators


eliminator squad

Eliminator Squads could be the new hotness. While they’re good in 8th edition, they also might have a new (and much needed) role in Apocalypse. They’re getting a gun called the Las-Fusil that has a decent chance of penetrating enemy armor on a 6+ to wound. These guys could be the equivalent to the Russian WWII PTRS squads that popped tanks from foxholes.

Repulsor Executioner

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We’ve already seen the weapon stats on the Repulsor Executioner. But what makes this thing interesting is its transport capacity. Despite having more firepower than the regular Repulsor, you can still take six Primaris models with you (or three Aggressors). This could be a parallel rule for 40k as well!

There are still tons of minor changes and tweaks that we are all looking through. But what do you think about some of the Primaris ins-and-outs? Could the Eliminators be getting their own box soon with a Las-Fusil as a weapon option in 8th edition? Will you be using a Phobos Librarian or keeping things cheap and running with regular Primaris? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.