Secrets of The Apocalypse- GW Studio Speaks!

Since Jervis was one of the main designers of the the new Apocalypse book, he had a lot to say apparently at the “Enter the Citadel” event over the weekend.

Lots to be gleended from how the writers saw this game being played, and whats in it’s future as well. -MBG

Courtsey of Larry Vela via BoLS

40K NEWS: The Design Studio Talk Apocalypse, Sisters and More

Posted by Larry Vela 

The Design Studio talked at length at their latest event “Enter the Citadel”.  Here’s what Jes, Jervis, and Kelly had to say:

via Warseer’s Mauler


Apoc is seen by the GW studio as a toolkit for massive games rather than a rigid framework, leaning towards making big games easier to organise and play rather than sticking to the background setting. The Allies matrix in the 40k rulebook with “Come the Apocalypse” is the truth; in Apoc you can ally with whichever faction you like. Formations are in there to give players a direction to go for with their collection: if you’ve got two Predators, pick up the Apoc book and are unsure about what models to get next (I’m paraphrasing here and I didn’t pick up the Apoc book myself today) then leafing through the Imperial formations you can pick up one more Predator and get bonus rules for the 3x Predator formation, whatever it’s called. Formations don’t have points values as they’re not units in the same vein as the core rulebook & codices, they’re mainly there to provide bonus rules if you have groups of specific models and make things more interesting. The guys got the point across that if you don’t like a particular rule you can just leave it out; if you don’t need a particular tool in your toolkit you’re not obliged to use it. Master Of Disaster which originally had a Viking helmet to pass around each turn to identify the Master) is wrecking massive chunks of table? Don’t use it. Finest Hour? Optional. It’s all there to be used as we see fit, it’s even less of a tourney focused expansion and is basically a guide on arranging and playing oversize games with mates.

WarZone Books

War Zone books for Apoc will be more like mini-Imperial Armour books than supplements and will include new scenarios, unit datasheets, rules & historic background, orders of battle and timeline maps. The studio will use them to pick significant battles from the history of 40k (like the Battles For Armageddon) and flesh them out in detail along with rulesets for players to enact them.

Sisters and Templars

SISTERS OF BATTLE/BLACK TEMPLARS will get attention and are not in line to be dropped at this time.I spoke to Jervis Johnson and asked him myself and he said “Every army is getting worked on and will be updated in time.” But obviously in true GW fashion he couldn’t say when or if it would be via codex or supp.

Lots more detail and conversation here:
~Did you notice the “at this time” caveat regarding Sisters and Black Templars.  Have at it.