Space Wolves Fellblade TanksGiving Conversion Entry

By Rob Baer | December 6th, 2011 | Categories: Apocalypse 40k, Space Wolves, tanksgiving, Warhammer 40k News

So here is another entry in the TanksGiving Challenge. This one is by Adam Wilson, a Space Wolves Modular Fellblade!

Ill be posting each one of the entires over like the next week or so, and then set them all up for voting at the end so you can pick your favorite!

Here’s it’s stats, 
Space Wolves Fellblade by Adam Wilson

What I did was take a Banehammer, reduce the transport capacity to half, +1 BS and lost 2 TL Hbolters to make the las cannons twin linked.  Seems fair to me for 450 points (as GW intended).

450 points
Armour: BS 4 AV 14/13/12
Structure Points: 3
Transport capacity: 12 (terminator models count as 2)
2 Twin linked las cannons
1 Twin linked heavy bolter
1 Tremor Cannon – primary weapon Str8 AP3 7″blast * see banehammer rules
Fire points: up to 5 models may fire from the vehicle as if open topped
Access points:  The Fellblade is treated as open-topped for the purposes of passengers embarking and disembarking

Winning at GW economics
As you can see in the pictures, it also turns into a truescale land raider!  2 tanks for the price of one.  Model was shortened significantly and now has the same length/height as a GW landraider but is slightly wider.

You cane checkout the rest of Adam’s stuff over on his blog,

Thanks to everyone that entered, and good luck!  You can checkout all the other TanksGiving Entries, here.

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