A Bloodthirster Quartet: LVO Khorne AoS Army Showcase

Bloodthirster quartet walWhat’s scarier than a trio of Bloodthirsters? A Quartet of Bloodthirsters! Check out this awesome Khorne list for AoS from 2020’s LVO.

The 2020 LVO brought players from all across the world to roll some dice under one roof. With Age of Sigmar at an all-time high, we saw some incredibly painted armies. Check out this mixed Khorne list!

lvo las vegas open 2020Las Vegas Open 2020

A Bloodthirster Quartet: LVO Khorne AoS Army Showcase

This army comes to us from Russ Tanner

Bloodthirster quartet 1With a display board showing what looks to be a segment of a Khorne palace, we’ve got mortals of Khorne acting as bubble wrap for some Bloodthirsters.

Bloodthirster quartet 2Because of the lack of decent shooting in AoS, Bloodthirsters are WAY scarier here than they are in 40k. Now check out this guy’s highlights! His muscles are lit up and glowing with fiery rage and every single one of his veins are bulging with an orange glow.

Bloodthirster quartet 3We’ve got the chief Bloodthirster also making the list! Skarbrand is painted up in a grey skin tone (he’s probably just covered in the ashes of his enemies). The fading job on his horns is dope!

Bloodthirster quartet 4We’ve got another Bloodthirster with an axe big enough to split a GUO in half. With pale brown skin, he’s also got his veins highlighted in a dark blue.

Bloodthirster quartet 5Finally, we should take a look at the chaff. These Bloodreavers are mainly there to soak up wounds and keep bodies on objectives while the meat and potatoes of the list do all the heavy lifting.

Bloodthirster quartet 6Even the smallest dudes of the army are covered head to toe in detail. Take a look at the basing as well.

Bloodthirster quartet 7This is definitely one of the best painted Khorne lists we’ve seen in Age of Sigmar. Each Bloodthirster is detailed enough to be a centerpiece by themselves. However, every little body also got the same amount of attention! Sweet job!

What’s your favorite mortals of Khorne unit? How many Bloodthirsters do you run in your list? Which variant is your favorite?

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