Adepticon ’16 – Bringing the Sisters to Battle!

Adepticon '16 - Bringing the Sisters to Battle! - Spikey Bits adepticon-16-bringing-the-sisters-to-battle/ Derek Miller, from Detroit, brought an amazing Sisters army that brings the Hobby, and Melta, to the Nth degree.

Derek Miller, from Detroit, brought an amazing Sisters army that brings the Hobby, and Melta, to the Nth degree.


“Getting the Army together was tough. Half of the units you can’t get anymore through Games Workshop or Forge World; I spent a lot of time on Ebay looking for the models I needed,” Miller said while preparing for his first game at Adepticon 2016, “ It took me about a year from start to finish to get all the models I wanted.”


Miller said that often times he was at the Mercy of Ebay, in one instance he needed 4 church tanks but could only find 3 so he had to substitute in a Quad Gun.


When asked about what he built his army around his answer was simpe: Melta.

“Melta, Melta, Melta. It’s fast and in your face, which I know, for sisters to be supper aggressive is a little strange but this Army isn’t weak.”


However, what this Army isn’t, is well support. Miller not only made his own awesome data cards but also made his own book. “I know we have the Digital Codex but it’s not the same as being able to flip through and read the rules,” Miller said.



“If you’re looking to start a Sisters Army don’t listen to what you hear online. The guys in my group play the Typical Tau and Eldar builds. I can easily take down 2 wraith knights. It’s not a crap army; if you have the time and the money to do it go for it.”



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